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A busy but satisfying weekend



After being reminded that I meant to try to get some more social contacts after a thread from Marcia (Newlease) reminded me. I got onto "meetup" last week and today I went to a creative craft afternoon. "Christmas card collage" It was held at an inner suburban cafe, 8 people I'd never met before sitting at a big table cutting and pasting and chatting just because. Some of the women were incredibly creative and I was much less impressed with my own efforts but I'll certainly do it again. The subject of stroke/disability never came up. I wonder if they'll be more curious next time, but right now I'm not even sure that anyone noticed that I only work one handed. I didn't say much, but they seem to be nice people, 3 others were also first timers to the group, but it didn't feel at all cliquey (is that a word?)


I very nearly chickened out on going, I'm very tired today. Last night was the gym Christmas dinner, and it was a great night, at least 50% of the attendees took on the costume challenge "pop and rock stars" ( I went for easy and comfortable as Elton John). We had 2 tina turners, 2 lady Gagas, 2 Madonnas, Freddy Mercury, Pink, Elvis, Slash, "Jake" Blues, Seal, Rihanna and a few I couldn't place, we had the place to ourselves with a karaoke machine and open bar. I actually drank some beer (just one large glass, but I've generally avoided alcahol since my stroke) and didn't get home until 1am. Certainly way past my usual bedtime.


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Heather, you sure are branching out. good for you. As a "single lady"  I often get that "chicken out" feeling, but I know that when I move out of my comfort zone that is always a plus.  Even if it is not the best evening out at least I can pat myself on the back for simply doing it. Well done. 

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Sue that was a large part of why I didn't bail I knew if I did it and it was a flop it was a start. Having done it once I'm much more likely to try again either with that group or a different one.  As always the first step is the hardest.


Mind you the tired has turned into a complete fatigue hit even after I got to bed early last night. and this morning I've told work I'm going to work from home for a few days. also I cancelled today's physiotherapy session.  Sometimes you just have to admit that the body has reached a limit.

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i am please for you, that you are getting out, and meeting new people.  The best thing I did was  going to the center i go to  now. We have keep fit classes, Yoga, Tai chi, . We go out to stores, eat at different places that offer foods from other cultures. They take us to field trips like on a boat trip, it was great.   Also we love to have party's with a DJ, that knows what type of music we like.   Dancing is good for the soul, yes we may feel it tomorrow, but what fun while we was pushing the body to the limit. 



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