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Good Blessings



An urgent care doc caught that the nursing home was giving me medication wrong. I called their pharmacy and it was confirmed. it was meclizine. it cause drowsy. They were giving it every 4 hrs when it should have been every 8 hrs. wow. I failed to keep up. The nurses make mistakes. It happens. Sometimes I miss it until later. Glad it is fixed. Blessed.


I am going for an echocardiogram. again. last one in 2015. new doc wants to see if swelling comes from my heart. I constantly live with being tested.Glad I am taken care of but.....

still blessed in that. hard.


I refuse the colonoscopy again now because with my leg pain.....no way enduring the clean out or the process. I took stool card home and did that. all normal.Blessed.


Then thinking would I treat cancer????

I wonder????   


My nystagmous has gone away according to last PT. now eye specialist at world renowned eye clinic in so cal said it was very mild. plus mild eye prob strabismus that is not increasing. so the color has become normal. my vision seems ggood. i read stuff on phone. blessed.


I walk straighter. longer.  I just wish balance was better.


things go on. I go on. Right now virus goes around .we are confined. no activities. many off to  hospital. some not returned. one is son  always dinner here helps out. kind. l sad miss them so muuch. so hopeful he survives if mom died.my card partner too is still well. she refuses to stay indoors. In WWIIshe drilled women recruits. She is sofft spoken kindly. lol!  I have nice frireds still.  my best friend here pilot 85. soft kind man i enjoy his jokes and companionship they dissaapprove  but always something.

















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Pam, your comment that it's "always something" is so true.  


You have a lot to deal with, and I'm in awe of your ability to see your various health problems and say it doesn't matter, everything is being taken care of and you're blessed.  I think you can only be blessed because you've earned it!


I don't make enough of an effort to filter what I say; I just say what's on my mind.  And what I'm thinking right now is that sometimes you come across as being "tough", but it's easy to see that you've got a lot of spirit and a heart of gold!


When your baby grandchild gets older, he'll love you to bits and pieces.  My wish is that you'll always be blessed!  

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Thank you Linnie.

I am not tough at all. Pain makes you cry and there is no illusions. 


I hope your prediction about my Liam comes true. thank you.

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Pam, on you go despite what happens to you.  I think you are brave.  I am glad you have blessings to count, some days I can't seem to see mine.  Companionship is where you find it, I have some older men I am very fond of, some have been friends of Ray's and still are friends of mine despite the fact that he is no longer here.  Some I even have coffee with at the local shopping centre.  I am not a scarlet hussy but I am sure some people think that I am...lol.

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Dear Pam, I'm still going to think of you as tough....you stand your ground; something that I try to coach myself to do, but I still need to keep working on it.  I didn't know that your grandbaby's name is Liam.  I love that name, and definitely you're going to be very important in his life.


Also, you'd have to be tough to handle the pain that is caused by CPS.  When I read posts about it, I always wonder if I could deal with it, and thank the Lord for sparing me that!


There's something I've been wanting to mention to you, Pam: When you write posts, some of them are in the same everyday manner that the rest of us use.  But in some of your posts, you write about your feelings using numerous single words one after another.  They seem unattached, but at the same time very attached.


Reading those posts makes me think of a poet from the renaissance period that I loved so much when studying his work in English Lit classes, but I can't remember his name!!  You keep me guessing!

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58 minutes ago, HostSue said:


Pam, on you go despite what happens to you.  I think you are brave.  I am glad you have blessings to count, some days I can't seem to see mine.  Companionship is where you find it, I have some older men I am very fond of, some have been friends of Ray's and still are friends of mine despite the fact that he is no longer here.  Some I even have coffee with at the local shopping centre.  I am not a scarlet hussy but I am sure some people think that I am...lol.



Sue, if you really can't find any blessings, think of the ones we give you.  We're blessed by all the comfort you give.  And if that doesn't work, you've got the scarlet hussy idea to fall back on, I'd say go for it!!   LOL

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Thank you Linnie. I do not know about that poet unfortunately. I write as I think and on my phone usually. Thank you for listening to my feelings.

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Damn thank you so much for sharing cuz I was rereading the nurse made a mistake with your medication and you said you needed to stay on top of it we are stroke survivors we are vulnerable I understand nurses are human but we have the confidence in them they're going to give us the right medication at the right time in the right dose I don't believe it's too much to ask.

My last job was overseeing group homes for developmentally disabled adults primarily an adult foster care home and with our paraprofessionals administering medication we demanded that they follow the five rights the right person the right medication the right dosage the right time and the right path of ingestion I expect nurses I would hold nurses to a higher standard and personally there should be documentation of medication error in your file and reported the licensing as well do not beat yourself up thinking you should have caught that the nurse should have caught it because he's supposed to be reading that label and comparing it to the paper documentation thank God or the electronic documentation that says specifically how often and what dose be strong.

Jay allen 

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Thanks Jay. Your common sense support sustains me. I bet you were damn fine boss. I also worked with those adults as a job coach and community integration specialist while I went to college then worked in school district. I have never been around such chaos as here. But I need to focus on some good. there is good even here. Jay you are fine friend thank you very much for reaching out to me.

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A job coach that's amazing I created see Point as a grant the community-based Employment Program in St Clair County Michigan in fact the screening format that we developed was adopted by the state and yes I was I was a great boss until the stroke took it all the way stay strong my friend stay strong

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That is beautiful contribution. I am in So Cal. I love what you did because I believe in the programs and saw the difference it made in lives families. One man worked and then enjoyed bringing groceris from farmers market home to his parents house. I still miss them all. Those experiences taught and guided me when I worked in school district for decades. I was in university again going after another degree. I had a stroke that took it all and I gave away my belongings lost my home. like I died but it was me doing the stuff. hard but good my kids spared. my kids had kept me going but I had to let them go live. I am alone now. Hard because I had been people person. I brought pilot program to schools. Two were ended by CA Gov. that I worked with. ugh.


I know this pain Jay of watching a nice life disappear. We look for meaning now. Sometimes I wonder but that kills me. The stroke hurt my kids. We are all still healing. 


Jay I hope you rest easy now. Enjoy the early retirement. I see you look for blessings. And are there for the family.

God bless you.

Perhaps our stories help heal others too.

Everyday it is hard painful to survive the end of my life and lost friends and family. I have a different kind of survival. But I try be cheerful. I am going to get another Spinal thing.


Celebrate today and be hopeful for tomorrow.

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The one thing we can always hope to do provide hope and encouragement to others along their Journey including you and I provide hope encouragement to each other there are days that I struggle but they're few and far between any more I am definitely having many more good days than bad days I hope you can say the same as well if not now in the near future God bless you I'll keep you in my prayers take care my friend Jay

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