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Mixed news



It is a little hard to write this blog for many reasons.  One is that I don't have a working computer and am typing this with one finger on a tablet, another is that I am not feeling good about life right now. I went for my four months check up today and by the way the radiologist spoke all is not well. So I go for more tests next week.  I just hate it when a medical professional pats my hand and calls me "dear" as that usually means there are problems ahead.


I had a good Christmas with five of my grandchildren together with my daughter, son-in-law, his brother and mother, my fomer daughter-in-law  and several others together for what turned into a real feast.  I had seen Trevor and Alice a couple of weeks before so although  they were not with us they were by no means forgotten.  I miss Ray at every family event but I know Craig's mum was also missing her Don so felt somewhat for her too. It was good to be in lively company and enjoy family time.


I think in a way as time goes by I miss Ray more when our families get together. I understand now why  some families put out an empty chair at special family events as it felt to me as if there should have been an acknowledgement that the two grandfathers were missing. I think Craig's mum felt that way too.  It seems  sometimes as if part of me is missing and it makes happiness seem like something that used to happen rather than something that happens now.


Is life still good? Yes it is. My word for this year is NEW and that is because it is NEW every morning, and whatever is happening in my life I want to go on feeling that way.  I mean to turn what could seem scary into something exciting.  I want to go on enjoying life. Today may have been scary in a way but tomorrow the sky may be blue and good news of some sort may brighten my day.


I don't know how far ahead I can plan life but I still need to make the most of this summer.  I have plenty  of gardening to do, the elephant still needs painting, and there is so much to do in the house.  I have friends to see locally and further afield so I need to go on enjoying what I can.  The diagnosis may not be as bad as I am thinking right now. Time to put my Big Girl pants on and keep on going.


I know a lot of people are much worse of than I am and really at 70 I have plenty of good memories to look back on so why am I worrying?  I guess because I am human, and will always love life and want to live with health and wellness .  But if that is not the next part of the journey so be it.



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I often find that when I worry about things I have no control over, I've wasted a lot of time when I could have been enjoying life.  Keep thinking positive thoughts and the time will fly by and  you will know soon what lies ahead.   Praying for positive results in your next appointment.   Hang in there, my friend!





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Sue :


some one once told me on this site  "worry is down payment on debt we may never owe", I love that line why worry & waste beautiful day given to us today. I know it is easy said than done. serenity prayers also helps me when I m scared "God grant me the serenity to accept things I can not change & courage to change things I can & wisdom to know the difference". I know waiting for results are always scary uncertainty is tough one. but remember God never gives us more than we can handle & he will provide right tools & right people in your life to get through whatever happens in our life.  sending you positive vibes for positive results.



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Be strong so glad you had a good Christmas and it sounds like you have these exams on a regular basis course I had to ask myself recently why am I having my scans every year because for 3 years everything's been fine and the only recommendation was another scan and 12 months this year my neurosurgeon want to see me in the office 8 mm by 2mm L pocketing an aneurysm until I realized the reason I'm having those scans if anything does develop it can be addressed immediately.

My neurosurgeon and I decided to do a diagnostic cranial angioplasty he told me the radiologist was the one that claimed to see the El pocketing and that he could find nothing on my scan and he honestly doesn't think he'll find anything when he does go in and check my vessels internally he told me his honest opinion he didn't think there was going to be anything discovered which provided me some relief of my anxiety that procedure will be done in 3 days and I will have the results by the end of the day and I will be letting everybody know I'm trusting it will be good news I have to put my faith in God enjoy your summer enjoy your time with family and friends and celebrate every day which I know you do as challenging as that can be my situation bag for me to write a poem which will be published a later date entitled Silver Linings there are Silver Linings in every situation whether it be a crisis or an inconvenience just as there's Beauty in every day be well my friend you are in my prayers and I'm sure everything will be fine it's just the cloud of anxiety not knowing.


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Thanks Jay for your prayers, I appreciate your caring about what's happening to me. Kind and caring words do make a difference. I do sometimes think nobody cares but I know that is just that those who care are just not  close by. I am thankful for the Blog Community and the caring comments the members   post. 

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Sue, life is good and most importantly as good as good as you make it.  Worrying , though warranted, will only take away from the beautiful soul that you are.

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Hi Sue

Glad that you had a wonderful Christmas

You face things with such grace and I will have you in my prayers for good news.  Like someone said before you have been having check-ups so this might be in the early stage

Please keep us posted when you get a chance and get out and get some painting done on that poor elephant

Enjoy your garden and think of us that are in the middle of a very cold winter

Take care



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You will see some messages on Facebook Sally. Nothing too descriptive, just updates. Got some bad news yesterday but life is a process so good can always come out of bad.

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Be strong so glad you had a good Christmas and it sounds like you have these exams on a regular basis course I had to ask myself recently why am I having my scans every year because for 3 years everything's been fine and the only recommendation was another scan and 12 months this year my neurosurgeon want to see me in the office 8 mm by 2mm L pocketing an aneurysm until I realized the reason I'm having those scans if anything does develop it can be addressed immediately.

My neurosurgeon and I decided to do a diagnostic cranial angioplasty he told me the radiologist was the one that claimed to see the El pocketing and that he could find nothing on my scan and he honestly doesn't think he'll find anything when he does go in and check my vessels internally he told me his honest opinion he didn't think there was going to be anything discovered which provided me some relief of my anxiety that procedure will be done in 3 days and I will have the results by the end of the day and I will be letting everybody know I'm trusting it will be good news I have to put my faith in God enjoy your summer enjoy your time with family and friends and celebrate every day which I know you do as challenging as that can be my situation bag for me to write a poem which will be published a later date entitled Silver Linings there are Silver Linings in every situation whether it be a crisis or an inconvenience just as there's Beauty in every day be well my friend you are in my prayers and I'm sure everything will be fine it's just the cloud of anxiety not knowing.


Your Daily Soul Quote: You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. --- Christopher Robin, Winnie the Pooh 

Sending you positive healing energy and Good Vibes you already know you're in my prayers

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Thanks Jay for the silver linings idea. Yes, whatever comes out of this will add something to my life experiences. If you approach each day looking for good things then good things do happen. You do have an impact upon the lives of those you come into contact with whenever you honestly share your life with them, as all the Blog Community members do.

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 I need to give credit where credit is due one of your entries on this string prompted me to write this poem entitled "Ddistance" it won't be in the newsletter until until September 2018.  Be strong my friend


 why must it be 

the ones who care the most

 are those, 

farthest away .

that distance maybe one continent to another

or simply a few miles

both offer challenges

the distance is


the need not quite so much

Although we feel it is at times

 but simple caring gestures

hold the greatest impact

a poem provided

 a hand-held

 and arm around

the shoulder

 a hug

 the shoulder to cry on

 someone there

letting us know we are okay

all things will work out fine.

 not just anyone can fill that void

 in our hour of need

We need support

From  someone

we trust and we know

They really care

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That is a beautiful poem. You are right caring support can come from someone close at hand or someone far away. One of my dearest friends lives in England so we ring and email but only see each other about every four years. Other friends are close by and I see them weekly.

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I love that attitude.  You have such a love for life.  Yes, I want to enjoy each day. It is hard being a caregiver but that is my life.  I still enjoy each day.  I enjoy exercising and spending time at the park with my dogs.  Yes, I even enjoy cleaning the house and doing laundry.

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I have another battery of tests on Wednesday, just to confirm previous results. Very hot and humid weather, but it is summer after all. Just taking life a day at a time.

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