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Amazing Mother's Day Gift



I was just thinking earlier in the week how quiet it would be again this Mother's Day.  Our youngest son is gone, he passed away nearly two years ago.....he was the one who always made sure he did something for Mom on Mother's Day and his Dad on Father's Day.   The other two sons are married and have wives who are Mother's so the day is usually spent with their own families.   Then Saturday came, and I made my usual short ride to the mailbox, taking Misha (our 1 yr. old schnoodle) along for the ride - it's his big thrill for the day!   lol   I grabbed the hand full of mail out of the locked mailbox and headed back home.   


As I sifted through the mail, I saw an envelope from the Donor Organization of AZ and didn't think too much of it, aside from the fact it was in a thicker 5x7 envelope.  I assumed they were doing an annual campaign to get people to sign up for organ donations.  Upon opening the envelope, I found a letter, a brochure and another smaller sealed envelope inside.  There was a note that said "please read letter before opening smaller envelope."   I began reading the letter and it explained the process of putting organ and tissue recipients together with their donor families.  The letter also explained that if I was not yet ready to read correspondence from the recipient, that I could hold onto the letter and wait till I was ready. or send it back.  The brochure had suggestions as to how to correspond with the recipient if we wished to do so, taking into account privacy issues.


I proceeded to open the smaller envelope and inside was a thank you card from the recipient of some of Dan's tissue.  The person explained that they had surgery and had to rely on tissue donation to complete the process in order to be able to get back to being physically active.  They thanked us for the gift of tissue donation and said they would keep our loved one in their thoughts.  Wow, I couldn't hold back the tears.......Dan is still doing for others and helping others, even though he is no longer here with us......I couldn't have asked for a better Mother's Day gift.






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OMG sarah such a beautiful gift on mothers day, now I feel my story of mothers day quite lame lol.  your  Dan & you guys as a parent made huge difference in someones life even when going through your own grief.






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that is so very beautiful. Dan , like you said, is still finding ways to thank you on Mothers day for being you. Dan's gift, as unfortunate as it was, helped this other family and the fact they reached out to you is truly a blessing. xxoox

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The generous gift Dan and your family in consenting to the donation has created is it's own legacy. It is a great tribute to Dan and to you that the gift has brought new life to others. Sarah your son had a good example of that during his upbringing. I am so glad that brought you some happiness.




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Wonderful story Sarah. Blessings to You, to know that Dan  is still helping people. Dan and You are a blessings.



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