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Heros journey



I love Oprah's super soul Sunday series & love authors she talks to on her show, it opens up my world & I get so many AHAs & feel great about my own journey. This week she was talking to Eat,Pray & love Author Elizabeth Gilbert, who was sharing her life experiences & strength she got from reading Heros journey by Joseph Campbell. In a nutshell all of us are called to do something out of our comfort zone & when we face our fears & accept the challenges given to us, that's when hero is born. & in that challenge lot of time we all get fear whether we will be able to do it or  not based on our our fears & we either accept challenge or ignore it, but when we accept challenge that's when hero is born, since this journey is never easy, its filled with lot of fear, people not helping & lot of other drama, but when we rise to occasion something beautiful comes out of this experience. Our challenges & sufferings are our biggest teachers, if we , instead of resisting, go with flow & learn lesson it is trying to teach us, something very beautiful & powerful comes out of that suffering.  whole hour while watching show I was going YES SO TRUE.


I remember asking God to show me some sign that I am on right path when I had decided to go on disability,  & my attention was drawn  to logo of college I was attending which was upside down of company I  was leaving behind. & I remember feeling at peace with my decision, & today looking it back I feel it was one of the best decisions of our life.  today I am actually thankful to all my experiences in my life it has taught me some great lessons & I am thankful for all those lessons. Just today while enjoying our Sunday brunch  at home while watching birds on our feeder & feeling so happy & was telling hubby missed all these relaxing morning when we were young, since you are always thinking of what things need to be done instead of enjoying your present "now". My stroke experience taught me to be in present moment.







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Asha, I love the Hero's Journey.  since my stroke, I do live intentionally in the Now.

Seeking and appreciating all the wonders of daily life.



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Beautiful sentiments.   Yes,  I too, have learned to live in the now.  That is all that we have promised.  Thank you for sharing.


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