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On Being Appreciated



Sometimes it is hard to accept compliments,but they feel good, but do you believe them or consider them deserved. 

There is a nurse who always always admires my coloring. One time she asked if I colored people,so I put a lady with a peacock up on my wall. 

So she looks at my books, tells me that choosing just the right colors is my passion. She says I am an artist.....always saying she is a fan, saying she boasts about me to her family.
she is my age, very nice med nurse who works overnights. 

So I gave her the lady picture. She wanted me to dedicate it to her, so I wrote to linda with love from my name. and she said she appreciated it and wanted to frame it.

she was...the word is overjoyed. wow.
unexpected. but she said she is a fan. wow.
I appreciate her noticing and enjoying.
In fact, it was honest.

that lady was one of my best ones,
reminded me. so best I gave it.

what a nice flattering surprise.🤗


I must admit I think coloring is fun therapeutic, but I do not take it seriously, I take it for granted, just a way to pass my useless time, never dreaming in a million years that someone,anyone would want it. It seems embarrassing to show my book).  And I must admit I am tickled pink!🤗


Now I guess this wonderful moment is a soothing healing balm on my soul for a "wronged" thing. The activities director here gave me a beautiful coloring book once, then she invited me into her office and allowed me to go online and choose books for myself and another lady, along with new pencils, sharpeners,erasers. Excitedly I waited for them to arrive. The other lady, said, I'll believe it when I see it. I explained we received activity things here as part of the program. I frequently checked in to see if the gifts arrived, so the director told me to just wait until she notified me. Yup, that day never came. When my son heard of this, he offered to buy our supplies. So the other lady learned that some people do thing for others even when they do not know them, and there is such thing as Free. When she passed, my son reminded me that I had brought some joy into her final days.I think he did that for both of us. I have one of her pictures on my wall. The one she was so proud of. 

So, now nearly 2 years later, after seeing new people get coloring supplies, I went to her and asked for one of the books from my favorite author and a set of new pencils. She popped out her tablet and generously offered to buy me 2 books.

So the very next day she brought me a smaller set of pencils,but still nice that she found when she went to Costco to buy supplies for a party that day. She assured me that the coloring books would be delivered overnight. That was two months ago.  I have seen and talked to her since,but I never ask about the books. I try not to choke when I hear her say,I am good for my word. 

 Thankfully I do not rely on her for my art supplies. I buy things and I receive gift boxes with books and all kinds of pens, most of them I give away since I prefer pencils and pass the word. I tend to use up my favorite colors from multiple sets.


Oh well now this is not being appreciated.she has never looked at my work,books or commented on my wall art. She is nice,friendly, they use her for things, I like her But, she is not my fan.

I cannot believe she would do this to me twice....



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Sometimes all you can do is smile. I agree that it is bad form not to keep your word though I do understand that sometimes life happens and our memory isn't always so sharp. You just continue making beautiful art and making others smile and a stupendous high five for raising a flipping awesome son  



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I agree, never let anyone steal your happiness. I have done that in the past but don't now, knowing some people either say things for effect or are simply unreliable. Now if I ask for anything I want confirmation that it is happening. And if someone offers something and doesn't keep their words I am less likely to trust them next time. Life is too short to let others dictate your mood.

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I so much agree ladies. You be your best you, learn from others misgivings, and never let them take away your sparkle. Pam you keep right on making those pieces of art or whatever you would like to call them. I miss doing things for others appreciation sometimes...not that I don't or they don't appreciate always...just seems less. That's when I made it a very real thing that I did things for me. Call it stingy or call it self love and appreciation. :rolleyes:

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