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something I learnt today on my super soul sunday series better keep in mind for my own sanity



As you guys know I am sucker for Oprah's super soul Sunday series, & learn valuable life lessons from it.  As I have mentioned before I feel loved by feeling of appreciation expressed by my family members. on yesterday's show guest said something very important, whatever we always wish for is usually never enough, so if you wish for more money, however amount of money you get its never enough, same way with all other items, if you always feel loved by words of appreciation its never going to be enough for you to feel loved. which I totally get it, I am writing it down so that I don't forget this valuable lesson. I should know by now through all action of my family & extended family & friends, I am enough  & don't need anything more to be loved .




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Dear ASHA that is so profound. Sometimes I think I need a lot of reassurance and that is in short supply now, without a partner I rely on friends to give me support and encouragement and that does not always happen. I do have to realise that friends love me for many different reasons and will sometimes express what it is they think and other times will seem as if they are ignoring me and that has to be okay.  I need to be with people and that is difficult right now when I can't drive the car. Roll on September. 

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