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A New Year. A New Word




Be Kind.  It Matters.

Well, it's new year, and I am feeling pretty positive about life.


I started following an art challenge, and am happy with the progress I am making. I started off the year by going to an art retreat with a good friend who is very talented.

My word for the year is LEARN.  As in learn new things. 

Learn Acrylic painting - I am signed up for a class that starts next week. I have a bit of aphasia when I get overstimulated, and I am now at the point where that won't stop me.  If I explain that I had a stroke, it will be ok.

Learn Watercolour painting - This is something I have been doing for the past 5 years or so, and the stroke slowed me down, but I am working on regaining what I lost.

Learn to be gentle with myself - This is a really hard one, as I beat myself up when I can't speak or can't figure something out. As a fellow survivor said he says to himself "Back off!  You had a stroke!!!" Most days are good, but I am always thrown when something happens to remind me that it happened at all. I need to remember that it is a minor setback, not a permanent loss.


Thanks for reading this.  








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Sue :


welcome to wonderful therapeutic world of blogging. my world, I love it I love your new year resolutions, pretty good, love it, I should try to incorporate some of those in my life too



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Hi Sue, great to have you blogging again.That word you have chosen " Learn" has real power. It is good to be learning new skills and consolidating old ones. And learning not to beat yourself up, I need to do that too. I admire your  determination to overcome your stroke problems, you're a champion already with that kind of attitude.

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