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I am going to toot my own horn here



you are forewarned with my blog heading, in this blog I am going toot my own horn. all my life there is voice inside my head told me oh how you are not good enough in anything.  but I have lived 50 years of life & as people say hindsight is 2020, I see one of the remarkable quality about me which actually brought to my attention by Sue & I have started noticing it too now & realizing to pat my back for that quality., so thanks Sue, & now I feel like great human being  who has ability to go with the flow when things don't go according to plan.  I noticed this amazing quality in me that not only I go with flow but have amazing time in it too, of course some of the initial period is ridden with sadness & that depends on what kind of adversity is thrown in my life. & mind you this were all life changing events at the time & I had thought my world as I know ended  but I managed to find joy  in it  & guess what new world I was thrown into turned out to be better & I had amazing rich experiences while going through it. for example

1. break up with best friends in college  - after month of feeling sorry for myself found another great set of friends   & had amazing great time at rest of the years in the university

2. meeting & marrying my hubby after meeting just few times, I thought I had done compromise & married guy  who was way more mature & older & serious kind not as fun loving as me, and guess what it turned out to be one of the my best decision. I had great time living away from him for few months & having such a good time with my in laws, even there while waiting for my visa to come I had so much fun with all my nieces & nephews, sister in laws, mother in law father in law.

3. even after coming to US realized we didn't have money to spend on unnecessary things & had to rebuild our life from scratch.  Though I never remembered it ever felt like chore, it was all so exciting  building this new life in this new country with this new guy  who later after my stroke realized is my biggest enabler & cheerleader. I worked full time had our first baby & also did my graduate studies while pregnant with our son. 

4. after my stroke life came to standstill & I never thought i will find joy in living again, but guess what my going with flow personality & make the best lemonade possible allowed me to even enjoy my post stroke disabled life,  I gave my 100% to raising our son who was just 7 at the time & from time to time we would clash when I tried to micromanage him  to make sure I don't mess up in raising him which I felt was my only shot since he is our only child, I didn't want to mess this up, I want to be best mom.


point I am trying to make here is looking back on my own's journey I do feel I have this great quality of surrendering & going with flow & enjoying the ride while I am in it, of-course there were some moments, days or weeks of feeling sorry for myself  was there, but that has made me the person I am very happy & proud of it.  I am realizing even kido also share that trait of mine along with my sense of humor, so I know he will  thrive in his life too.






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1 hour ago, Madade said:

The second blog I've read and starting to learn how and why these make you feel so empowered and good.  

Thanks Asha lots to learn yet.


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