BP tracking



So after years of trying to keep my blood pressure down and taking lisinopril my stoke doctor likes the Bp elevated some. My arteries in the base of my brain are very narrow so hes or with higher blood pressure is supposed to push though this restriction. I track it every morning and graph it. It all over the place and no trend is readily visible. Over time a drop would suggest improvement which is what my Dr hopes for.

Some improvement are so subtle that it may be several days before I realize the change. Thee headiness Ive had with me since post stroke was reducing but this last week its reduced considerably it seems to come when my balance is challenged. Its absent most of the time and only comes when I make a sudden or unusual movement. I can get thru the day with it absent most of the time. 

We have a house party today and then off on a road trip for our 19th anniversary to Carlsbad caverns via Roswell for my UFO following wife.

Wed: event

Thu: Yoga

Fri: treadmill

Sat: Day Gardening

Sun: dat off

Mon: Gym

Tues: Snowed in - cancelled acupuncture

weight 188lb - Bp ave 148/86


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Kev I'm glad the headiness has reduced for you. That must be a great relief.


You are so good, recording things.  You must be your doctor's favourite patient!


Enjoy Rosewell! I have to admit, just a little bit jealo!!

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kevin :


I wonder how you are able to plot graph and what is on x axis, exquisite mind wants to know to make sense of plot. enjoy your road-trip,


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I think x axis must be date. and 2 points per day/morning diastolic and systolic pressure.  It will be interesting to see how it clusters over more time. Maybe also record a "headiness" score for each day and see if there's any correlation, give yourself a rating from 1 to 5 as there's no objective data to track.

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