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Hello from home.



A month ago I was embarking on my cruise. I don't care what the world thinks of the Ruby Princess my heart goes out to the wonderful crew those who served us so well and cheerfully, courteously and compassionately. Thanks to the Captain who managed to get us into every scheduled port. And thanks to those passengers who helped my friend with dementia when she lost her way and asked them: "Have you seen Michael, have you seen Sue."


It was the passengers from the cruise after ours who caused the problems with Covid-19 by getting off the ship in Sydney without a health check. What a problem that has caused. I am so lucky I went cruising when I did as I have  those memories now to see me through unhappier times. The week between then and the operation involved more tests but some good things came out that as some of the conditions my GP had worried about were less of a concern in those tests and my brain scan showed the clip perfectly in place and no additional problems.


The next event, the operation to take out the right side of my thyroid and the attached polyps took place two weeks ago. I was only in hospital overnight and was assured all had gone I well. I was only home a couple of days when my neck began to swell. At first I thought it was nothing, then I thought something was probably wrong and in the end called an ambulance and went to hospital.  I felt like a fraud, I just had a swollen neck, but the staff assured me that going there was what was needed as wounds that don't heal are liable to become infected.


In hospital they drained the wound site for three days and then sent me home. I was sent home partly because of the Covid-19 virus because all hospitals were on standby in case of an influx of new seriously ill patients. At home I again self isolated, I have antibiotics and when they are finished hopefully I will feel that healing is taking place. On the two weeks visit to the specialist last Friday he dismissed the problem as just one of those things and said it would resolve itself in 4-6 weeks. Now haven't I heard that before?


And so,like everyone else, I am here at home for the duration of whatever our government thinks is needed. As an over70 I am classed as a vulnerable person and so a danger to myself if I venture forth. So the ironing basket is empty, the laundry is up to date and the garden is gradually  turning from a Jungle to an organised suburban lawn and series of flower beds. There were luckily a couple of bags of books I was keeping for winter reading so they are my relaxation. And Just Dance will keep me fit.


With no Lions Club dinners, no church and Clubs and restaurants closed my social life is bleak but there is Facebook and Messenger and the phone so I can keep in contact with friends. And dear reader, like me you can keep others informed by using those forms of communication to beat depression and reassure yourself and others that we are not alone. I thank God for those wonderful friends I have who ring me and check to see I am okay.  And especially those who have more more time whose phone calls last an hour or more, whose words brighten my days and lighten my heart.


So remember through the tough times that there is always hope, hope for a better future. We pray for courage and endurance at times like these and a sense of humour to carry us through. We have survived for a reason, many here from stroke, others from personal distress and what others might call the hard life of a caregiver. We have endured so much and hopefully we will come out the other side of this stronger and with a smile on our faces. Watch out Covid-19, we are some of life's greatest survivors!!


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:you-rock:We got this Sue! Stay safe and fingers crossed, whenever I can spare them, that the glitch after surgery was just a temporary setback.

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Sue :


thanks for encouragement, every time you hear this dreadful news, it gets person down, but thanks for reminding we are survivors  and we will get through this too




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Sue, it's so sad the amount of people who have died after contracting the rona on ships.

Yes, maybe the wrong thing was done. That doesn't take away the sadness surrounding people, not the event itself.

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