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wandering in my memory



I have no clue why I am wandering around in the past today. I am not seeking anything. I may have realized a thing or two from my wanderings. 1] I am bored today. Mentally bored. 2] I've come a long long way baby. Wityh the high I get from knowing I am doing well and being mentally bored, well that isn't a good combination. It is the calm before a storm type. The peace before things get mixed up, changed and blown up. This feeling is worse then waiting for baby chicks to peck their way out of an egg shell. They are so excruciatingly slow, it drives you nuts waiting to see them hatch. I am restless, I want to get on with things. Days like today I really miss being able to drive. Cause it was mild for January here in the northeast, in the 50's and today would have been a perfect day to just jump in a car, put the windows down, crank the music and just drive with no known destination. I miss being able to do that.


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I don't get to drive much on my own either, usually have Ray on board and he HATES loud music, so driving is mostly to and from doctors etc.


I usually ring friends when I am bored, fills in some time and we might get an invite to lunch or a suggestion we meet up somewhere.


Sorry you can't drive. Ray can't either and you certainly miss that independence.



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