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Zen Parable-No Attachment to Dust



No Attachment to Dust


Zengetsu, a Chinese master of the T'ang dynasty, wrote the following advice for his pupils:


Living in the world yet not forming attachments to the dust of the world is the way of a true Zen student.


When witnessing the good action of another encourage yourself to follow his example. Hearing of the mistaken action of another, advise yourself not to emulate it.


Even though alone in a dark room, be as if you were facing a noble guest. Express your feelings, but become no more expressive than your true nature.


Poverty is your teasure. Never exchange it for an easy life.


A person may appear a fool and yet not be one. He may only be guarding his wisdom carefully.


Virtues are the fruit of self-discipline and do not drop from heaven of themselves as does rain or snow.


Modesty is the foundation of all virtues. Let your neighbors discover you before you make yourself known to them.


A noble heart never forces itself forward. Its words are as rare gems, seldom displayed and of great value.


To a sincere student, every day is a fortunate day. Time passes but he never lags behind. Neither glory nor shame can move him.


Censure yourself, never another. Do not discuss right and wrong.


Some things, though right, were considered wrong for generations. Since the value of righteousness may be recognized after centuries, there is no need to crave an immediate appreciation.


Live with cause and leave results to the great law of the universe. Pass each day in peaceful contemplation.






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There is one person in this world that should read this and take it to heart. They are no more then dust to me...... The rest of you, hope you enjoyed it and it makes you all think.



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great advice by zen master, very thought provoking but so hard to implement in life

now I know where you get your wisdom :D




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Hey Pam!

Lots of sage advice in there- enjoyed it.


I saw that the book I recommended to you (Way of the Peaceful Warrior) is being made into a movie, my step-son showed me a trailor for it. Don't know when it will be finished/released, but I hope it can stand up just a bit to the book!



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