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Did I say "happy?"



As I have mentioned ,there are few that I recognize lately.I will give today a chance at the podium of "good days"I woke up, not wanting to get out of bed.I couldn't face another day.I did my excersises and was at the computer,when a friend driopped by.(acqaintance really.The wife of my church's minister.She asked me ifI would come to their house for coffee and a change of scenery.My husband was at work,My kids also gone to workand I potentially was facing another lonely day,but Poof,Jane came to save me.So off I went.She asked me over coffee if there was anywhere I needed to go.Well wouldn't youknow,I had lied awake last night wondering how I was going to buy my husband a birthday present for his birthday on Wednesday.I mentioned this and off we went.I was able to pick him up some great tools and My friend noticed as I was paying .that my purse was really impractical and hard to manage with my one handedness,She suggested we look for a new one.Low and behold With her help ,I found the perfect one and so that has solved one of the things I get so angry and frustated about in my day.It felt odd that my day started out so miserably and ended so successfully.I am so negative about life and even when things like this happen,I can't change my way of thinking.I was so greatful .Hey,Almost happy!!Did I just say that word?I wish I ,myself could make me so happy.It is always the people around me that manage to disturb my depressing thoughtsI have nicknamed myself |the witch")This is what I call myself on the manyreally frustrating , bad days..


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This is a positive step you've recognized happiness as it is offered to you!!! Maybe try to come up with a gratitude/happiness list each day. Even if it is only 1 thing that may help change your mindset!!

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Happy for you. Your friend certainly did her good deed for the day. Perhaps it helped that she is a minister's wife and it comes easy to her - or maybe because she always was that way, the minister chose her to be his wife. Anyway, was very thoughtful and you were fortunate to have her to cheer your day; maybe it's a good start for future days' happiness.
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I agree with Robyns idea of doing gratitude list, it changed my mindset, and I realised how lucky I was and how great God is in my life.




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