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Today Ray stood up for the first time in eleven days. He still can't take steps, the physio tried but he sagged at the knees and the physio called the nurse to pull the chair forward as he was holding all of Ray's weight on the gait belt. It was sad to see that despite a pain tablet half an hour before Ray was still in a great deal of pain. Even just standing up he was doing what he himself calls:"Waving in the wind."


The orthopedic team, apparently four of them, decided that the hip socket fracture was only minor, the hip was fit for weight-bearing and the rehabilitation, that is the physiotherapy should be started. I am all in favour of that as Ray had been laying down most days and sitting in the chair for brief periods other days.


There is still some uncertainty about where he will go from the hospital when he is no longer regarded as acute care. The choices are two smaller hospitals, mostly used for convalescence or for nursing home patients awaiting placement. They do have some physio and that is good but it is not an intentional program, just to keep people on their feet. I am worried that will not address all of Ray's stroke related issues and return him to full fitness again. That is what he needs to come back home to live.


Ray was inspired by his stand-up and after the physio had shown him some sitting down exercises he could do to strengthen his now very weak muscles he started them on his own. Not the way the physio had shown him but in his own way. Ray always finds a way of doing things, this meant he seized the bad knee with the good hand with a grip on the band holding the AFO on and moved the leg up and down this way. I guess at least he felt as if he was doing something.


He is also refusing the cookies that the good natured catering department leaves at every bedside. It is not shown now that a person is a diabetic ( breach of privacy?) so they leave them for everyone. This and getting dessert at two meals a day has been shooting his sugar readings sky high so I am glad he has made this decision himself. At least at hospital I don't have to be the "food police".


It seems there are decisions to be made every step of the way in this recovery process. Today I have to decide who to ring with updated information. It is okay here and on my email list as a post, blog or email will solve the problem. But then there are the many friends and relatives on phone only that I have to sit down and ring. I think I will ring a few people every night rather than tackle them all at once. I am hoping the news will improve as we go along.


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So glad to hear the "good news". I know you haven't wanted Ray to have to undergo surgery. It sounds as though this will be a long rehab time. Sometimes the decisions we don't want to make are taken out of our hands.


I'm sure it is exhausting for you to make all the phone calls to update friends and families. It would be nice to have a phone tree! I wouldn't try to get everybody in one day! I know that in the past it has almost been therapeutic for me to make phone calls - I've felt like I was able to do something at otherwise helpless times.


I'll continue to pray for your strength, Ray's continued healing and God's will for Ray and you.





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great to see updates of Ray though not very encouraging but it's babysteps which will add up soon, and if Ray is taking active role in his physio and food praise him infront of his friends,such that positive reinforcements happen. BTW one acquitance of ours had started blogging or posting details of her husband's health and told everyone to read the report, shje was tired of reciting same story all over again.


you and Ray are in my prayer and thoughts and hopeGod gives you enough strength and courage to go throug these lean phase in your life




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Glad Ray didn't have to have the surgery. It sounds like he's still got a long road to go but hip surgery can have its complications and it's great you won't have to deal with that on top of everything else. Don't forget to take care of yourself through all of this.


:friends: Jean

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Guest lwisman




It is good to hear that Ray is actively working at improvement. Both the news about therapy and the news about his reaction to the cookies are good.


Thinking of you and sending positive energy in your direction.

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Sue good to hear Ray is coming along and doesn't have to have surgery.. Now all you have to do is be there for him and encourage him to do his exercises which he seems to be doing.. Take care of yourself and try and have a bit of a rest... I'll be thinking of you and wiil keep you in my thoughts and prayers....

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So glad that Ray is on the improve, does the pyhsio put him on a tilt table, i'm sure that once he regains leg strenght he will be up and away, we are all thinking of both of you.

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Good news, Sue. BTW, new picture of you? Looks very lifelike, Almost as if you are really there.


What Asha said is sort of what my sister did when her husband was ill. She would write a generic email of his condition and then if she wanted to add an additional sentence, did.


Hope things continue improving. It's back to baby steps but not as bad as if it were another stroke, so, it has a few wee good points.

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Glad to hear the news. And it is good to hear Ray is mmoving his leg and being "active" in his way. That is really great he is leaving the cookies alone. Doesn't tne nutritonist in the kitchen write for sugar free or diabetic diet?


Take care of yourself too, it is easy to get exhausted running back and forth... and seeing to details.


Hugs and warm wishes to you and Ray.

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So glad to hear that Ray doesn't have to have surgery and he's trying to exercise as well as not "touchng" the cookies! The baby steps will lead to bigger steps ad this will all be behind you. Blessings to you both :cloud9:

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