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Welp, the fighting is over



Things have changed since the last posting about Grandma. My step-dad made another trip to see Grandma last weekend. I sent him a few communication boards to try and use with her, and my mom had sent a music box for Dad to play for her.


He felt that when he saw her on Friday, she responded well to the music box which I believe plays "Amazing Grace". He also used a communication board her speech pathologist has given her, and he felt that while she could not POINT to the appropriate answers, she did STARE at the appropriate ones. It was encouraging.


Then came Saturday.


She seemed totally different this day, and much less responsive. When she was asked to look at one of her daughters, she looked at every person in the room as if to say, "I know I am suppose to look..." but it was not directed at one person. She seemed more agitated than on Friday as well. Another person noticed her breathing was somewhat strange; nothing you would necessarily notice unless you were really watching.


Before the trip was over, there came the final blow to hope for Grandma's recovery: she was diagnosed with non-hodgkin's lymphoma. Because of her age, the affects of the stoke, and because radiation is the treatment, the kids (my step-dad and his two sisters) decided not to treat the lymphoma. They all feel this is the decision Grandma would make for herself if she were able to communicate her wishes.


All we can do now is hope for this last time in her life to be as peaceful and pain-free as possible. She has enjoyed a good, long life.




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This is sure a hard time for your family. I hope with all my heart that your wish for a peaceful and pain-free time will come true.


:friends: Jean

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:friends: :friends: :friends: Your grandma and family will be added to my prayers and warm thoughts.


She will be in your hearts and memories....


(((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))) Bonnie

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Kristen, it is a sad time for you all. Sometimes to pray for peace at the end of a long life is all you can do.


Tell you step-daddy there are a lot of prayers covering your family at this time.


((((hugs)))from Sue.

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Your grandmother and your family are in my prayers.I truly hope that the end of grandmother"s life is as peaceful and pain free as possible..

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Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers. I spoke to my dad yesterday and told him that there are people here praying for her. He was very touched by that.


It seems that things are progressing quickly, her kidneys are already starting to fail. I know in the grand scheme of things, this is probably a good thing.


Thank you one and all.


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What a hard decision to make about someone elses life.. We also have a mother who is slowly dying and also has complications that are inoperable, so between her family and the Dr. we chose to make her as comfortable as possible and be there for her at all times.. Some days she doesn't respond to much and says she is tired and really doesn't want to eat.. We go there twice a day and try and get a little fluid into her but it takes a lot of coaxing and time.. She has alziemers and also no cirulation in her little toe which is black and will develop into gangarene in time, but she is too old to have any surgery. It is just a matter of time . She is almost 94 years old.. Your thoughts and prayers will be with me and take care as it is very draining on the family..

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