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He's so strong



My husband is the strongest person ever.


Some days I can understand about 60% of everything he says. Pretty amazing since he couldn't speak a word or even know his own name when the stroke first hit. He's overcoming it, continuing to get better even after 4 years. He recovered amazingly from the AAA surgery. His surgery for the colon cancer is 4/6/2007. We'll know more about the extremity once they get it out and do the biopsy.


I hope he doesn't have to go through chemo. He's been through enough!!


He went to the grocery store today. When I think of all the things he can do it blows me away.


Okay, so guess we'll hit this one head on too. I want to just plow through it with him and be on the other side a winner already. All overwith but it will be here soon enough I suppose.


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Best of luck as you two face this next challenge. Isn't the body and brain amazing at what it can do to persevere - that's the result, I feel anyway, of a positive attitude, faith, and determination.

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I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers, it's great to see caregiver blown away by survivor perservence, feels good, I bet he is also blown away with your desire to be by his side.



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