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I'm getting a new dog! I have bemoaned the fact here that I so want a dog. A big dog so that I can put my arms around him and know I am hugging a dog. The dog is a good dog and he likes cats. (We'll see what the cats think of that!)


My good friend and buddy found a dog whose owner has to move into an apartment and cannot take the dog w/ her. The dog is a Golden Retriever and is 4 years old. His name is "Lucky." I think I will change his name to "Luke." Sounds close enough to "Lucky." I am so excited. My friend is making arrangements for us to meet w/in the next couple of days.


Minor Detail: I haven't told the kids. I hope it won't be such a trauma.


Also, I received an email from my cousin giving an address to send Christmas cards to injured soldiers. This is a wonderful idea and I thought I would pass it along to all of you, if you wish to send Christmas cards to these deserving brave souls. There are all kinds of soldiers of all kinds of religions so the cards don't all have to be Christmas cards.


A Recovering American Soldier

c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center

6900 Georgia Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20307-5001


Take Care. LK


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What Super news about Lucky/Luke. I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you. Hope the kids also agree. Thank you for the info too on sending a card to recovering soldiers.

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Congrats on the dog... Maybe you can teach him to do his.... doodie in the same area of the yard ..for easier clean up. Golden's are so loving.. I know you will all enjoy him. Thanks for the address.. I also received the e mail.. it is a Great idea.

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How fun! A dog..cool! I love big dogs too..so huggable with lots of love kisses. I sent my card already. Have a blast with Luke!

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Bonnie--I had to chuckle when you wrote I should train the dog to do his business in the same area of the yard. Of course, you know there is a story to that.


Some years ago, my brother-in-law, who was in the Navy, was stationed in Norfolk, VA. One day, while we were visiting him, we were driving out of his neighborhood, when we saw this Great Dane come out of his (the dog's) house w/ a saucer in his mouth. We watched as this dog dropped the plate, sniffed around his yard, found a spot, went and p/u the plate and sat it down. He then turned around and did his business. When he was finished, he p/u the plate and pranced back to his door where he was let in, filled plate and all. We were totally stymied and guffawing in the car.


Now, I have trained my dogs all my life but I never thought to train them to do that! I thought it was a great idea. I don't know if I could do it but I can certainly try! Take Care. LK

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I also love my dog, a little jack russell he loves lots of cuddles and is a joy to have around. he also knoews when i'm feeling down and hangs around to make sure i'm ok. so enjoy your big mate.




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