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many names, one problem



On Sunday Ray had what a lot of people describe as a "turn". He called out, when I got into the bedroom he looked like a rag doll, arms outstretched, eyes wild, he looked frightened. When I tried to get him up he had no muscle power. I managed to sit him up, then tried to stand him up as he wanted to go to the bathroom. As I got no help from him and I realised he was a dead weight I eventually sat him on the floor and he flopped back.


By this time I was panicking and so I ran around the house looking for Trev, then remembered he was down the road with friends. I rang his mobile then remembered he lost it last week. Rang our other son to see if he remembered the number of the "old" mobile he would be using. As I was doing that Trev came home . I got him to lift Ray up onto the bed. That is when I realised the bed was soaked through and so was Ray.


We hauled him out to the shower and I cooled him off, cleaned him up, redressed him and got him onto my bed, then when I had it all changed back onto his. Took me half an hour or so to do all of this.


Ray slept for about three hours and then when he got up seemed fine. As this was not like any of the strokes I did not call an ambulance. Taking hm to a hospital on Sunday afternoon would not have been a positive move anyway as weekend staff are often rushed off their feet and the patients don't get to see a specialist etc until the middle of the following week.


I left it till today to take him to our local doctor. He called what Ray had a "brain infarct". He also called it a brain fit. He said Ray has had many of these and the dementia and continuing weakness is the result. There is basically no treatment and the medication he is on is all that he can take right now. I am amazed that I have never witnessed one of these infarcts but apparently they mainly occur during sleep so the result is just a person who is much slower getting dressed, more tired, lacking apetite for a day or so etc.


So maybe for some of you that will explain the lack of progress, those one step forward , two steps back days. On a MRI these tiny infarcts look like white dots so if that is the xray you have that is multiple infarcts. The cause seems to be mostly unknown as yet and therefore untreated. Another one of those things you just rest up after and hope the full strength comes back again.


Ray also has a mild chest infection so I got medication for that. You can hear him coming by the rattling noise...lol.


Apart from that life goes on. It was Trev's birthday yesterday, my "baby" is 33. We took him out last night for dinner. It was not the world's greatest meal, I think the chef was having an off night. Just barely edible. No cake either but he said he didn't want a fuss and will go out with the mates on Friday night. Guess 33 seemed a nothing birthday for him.


It is times like this I realise I am not getting any younger either. Picking Ray off the floor takes me a couple of days to get over now as my back muscles stiffen. I know, get help, call the paramedics, take care of yourself etc.


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Well Dearest Sue, Answers, not great ones, but answers to help understand, and Thank You so much for sharing this information.Well we often know.. but it is a difficult position to leave a loved one on the floor, uncomfortable. We have adrenalin pumping from the fear.. and trying our best to help.Glad Trev showed up to help you.Sorry your meal out, was Not all that good. but the thought was there, and sharing his birthday and a meal.Is there some type of portable lift to help you with Ray? I know they have them for helping assist out of bed. And if he wasn't really moving his limbs, I guess a lift might not help.I understand.. as pre-stroke John was in a bad car accident, 5 broken ribs and a broken foot. They wanted to send him home from the hospital .. before they even had his pain under control with oral meds. I weighed 120 at the time and he was 240.. I gave the nurses an ear full and they kept him another 3 days. By them he could use a cane, and was off IV meds.

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wow hang in there, I am glad Ray is now okay. getting dead weight from floor is pretty straining. I remember when in rehab I wanted to try and gt up fom floor, it was so hard and scary for me finaly male aid came in and he picked me up from my armpit,stil it was hard for him. reading your blog makes me question God isn't it enough already? I know we should not question and make best out of every situation and enjoy each day as it comes along.



wish a belated happy Birthday to your baby from all his mom's cyber friends.




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How absolutely terrifying for you and additional sadness getting the answers from the doctor. Thank goodness Trev arrived home to assist. My heart aches for all of you.


Sorry to hear Trev's birthday dinner was a flop. Happy Belated Birthday to him from the U.S.

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It is times like these that we survivors cannot find the proper words to convey our gratitude for the love and care of our caretakers. I am so sorry you had to go through such a hard time but it describes what you caregivers go through 24 hours a day and no day of rest in the 7 day week. Take Care. LK
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Dear Sue,


How interesting I just opened this post to read. Yesterday morning was Bill's day to go to the Adult Center for Enrichment program. When I got him up he was unusually lethargic. Finally he said 'there is something wrong with me - I can't wake up'. He was right, He tried to open his eyes but they seemed to roll back in his head. I believe there were lots of symptoms of what Ray experienced. Would this be a TIA I wonder? He was real tired the rest of the day, too. The PT came in the afternoon and did have him do a few things like leg lifts and foot lifts, but nothing strenuous. His BP was real good, neither number was high. It is a frustating situation, isn't it? We feel pretty helpless when we see the person we love experiencing these complications when there is really nothing we CAN do to make it better.


More challenges!!


Remember, you are loved!

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