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Dr's visits



I was diagnosed with osteoporosis a yr or 2 ago. It wasn't a huge surprise as it runs in my family. I was a little surprised at the leve, I always drank milk, took some Calcium, but I wasn't always good about being consistent with it.


The Dr had run a vitamin D level then, and I guess I was around 25.. which at the time was a low normal. They have changed the levels for Normal and now low normal is 32.. this yr my level is 10. which is severely deficent.


I went on the Internet and typed in Vitamin D defiency. I found a lot of information.. much of the information was linked to "products" but had a lot of good information. Apparently vitamin D defiency can be linked to many conditions, cardiovascular diesease, strokes, muscle pain... etc. WOW I was really surprised at the information and how important this vitamin is.


You should NOT run out and start taking vitamin D.. there is a TOXIC level and levels should be checked with a test 25(OH)D.


Vitamin d taken alone can take Calcium OUT of your bones. So I have been given a Protocol of what to take. I had been taking one vit D tablet daily... well tablets are not great.. so now I am on the soft gels which are absorbed better, and I am on 12 weeks of a prescription vitamin D.. taken once a week. at the end of 12 weeks I am to be rechecked for levels.


I am really hoping that with this new protocol and taking it as directed, that some of the CPS (central pain syndrome) will go away.


They are finding vitamin D levels low in children as well as adults.. especially in states that don't get a lot of sun.. and also all the sun block... Once we age.. it is harder to get vitamin D from sun as there is an enzyme in the skin which decreases as we get older.


The next time you go to your Dr you may want to think about asking for a blood test ... the 25(OH)D is the better of the two tests.


All vitamin D that you can buy is NOT alike .. there are 2 types of D over the counter. Your Dr will tell you which one is best and a correct dose if you are LOW.


I'm not going to put in any links on the vitamin D defiency .. as I said most r linked to a product, but had great information,


Just some information I wanted to share with you all.... Be Safe and Healthy.. and I am glad my Dr is really pro active about some of these tests.. ( I hate having tests and finding something new.. wrong.) but taking this seriously I am on the road to correct it.


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your blog and the info is really interesting - plus the idea of getting things checked with the next blood test. i am being a nosey parker - again - but has your doctor considered actonel or boniva for your bones? i was given actonel and have had a significant bone density impovement. just a thought. cheers! kathy

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Hi Kathy I was on Fosmax but had some problems with increased heartburn. Looking into seeing if Forteo (an injection) will be an option. It is EXPENSIVE but they have a plan that a good part of it would be covered if I qualify.and then after Feb 28th I get another blood test to check on vit D level. If vitamin D level is not within normal range, then you don't absorb the calcium as well. so for now, the daily and weekly D and oral calcium.

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Great info Bonnie. I have always heard about taking a supplement because milk is just not enough. I look for fruits and veggies high in the vitamen and have taken pills. Since I take 4 pills a day I now take a calcium supplement chocolate chew which has about 200 mg vitamen D and 200 of vitamen K, It is the Kirkland Costco brand and it is a good size container with 150 chews so taking one a day last a good long time and it's around $12-00 to $15.00 dollars. Can't remember the exact price but it's around there. One of the big factors why I take this brand, other than it's a good deal at a good price, is because these chews are sugar-free which is great for me being a diabetic.And instead of swallowing another pill, it's like having a chewy chocolate piece of candy!

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