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I Resolve To...



My oldest daughter and I have not had much contact over the last several years and most of it was very unpleasant. She's had a very hard time forgiving me for the many things I've done throughout my life. I'd like to blame it all on my addiction issues but the truth is, while that made things much worse, a lot of it was just ignorance and bad behavior.


Since Joey's accident we've seen each other a few times and I've made contact with her regarding Joey's progress and other things I thought she might want to know about. Trying not to impose but finding any excuse to make contact. Mostly in the form of text messages...


Yesterday she returned the text message. Then she called on Joey's phone. An hour later she was at our house with my two grandsons and we were having a little Christmas. It was one day late but to me it was right on time. And this afternoon after rehab I'm taking Joey to her house and I'm invited as well. Imagine...


SO! It's time for New Year's Resolutions. I'm making a few.

  1. I'm going to exercise more. I'm going to the senior center and signing up.
  2. I am going to quit smoking this year.
  3. I'm going to do at least one random act of kindness each day.
  4. Every time I fall behind on any of these things I'm gonna pick myself up, dust myself off and get right back to it.
I learned this year, never give up. Never give up. NEVER give up. Virtue should be it's own reward and sometimes it is but this year has taught me that miracles happen and sometimes they happen in MY life. Who knows? I might be running a marathon at the end of next year (not).


Look out, 2008. It doesn't matter what you have in store, I believe I can take it. Here I come....


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I'm so happy for you regarding your daughter. Time does heal wounds. Things happen sometimes for a reason - perhaps Joey's accident has a silver lining for the family relationships. Just remember to take things slow and easy until the ice completely melts.


Your New Year's resolutions sound doable that's for sure. My Bro was telling me about a smoking cessation medication that is supposed to have a very high success rate. You take the pill and continue to smoke. The urge to smoke is taken away within a week. You could check to see if your insurance would cover it.

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after reading your first blog, I too like Donna believed Joey's accident has the good reason behind it, and it will bring whole family together. past can not be undone, but we can learn from our past mistakes and if we earn from it, then in my mind all experiences turns out to be just experiences and makes us wise. your new year resolution sounds like doable and virtue not to give up is the best to keep.




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lorri, i too think things happen for a reason, whatever the reason, it has helped you and your daughter to mend some old wounds. it does take time and hard work on both your parts. your resolutions sound great, get it into your mind to complete each task as best you can and keep it up and before you know it you will have succeeded. i'm happy you got a christmas with your grandsons. i wish you a happier and healthier new year for your entire family. good luck on your goals and like you said NEVER GIVE UP

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great resolutions! i so wish you strength on the desire to quit smoking - like the saying goes,"a day at a time." happy new year :happy new yea: kathy

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