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I have had many blessings over the past year and I'm sure many more are to come! biggrin.gif When 2004 started I never thought I would see my 29th birthday much less 2005. Sob.gif I spent my 29th birthday in the hospital not knowing if I was going to live or die. sad.gif


So this past Thanksgiving and Christmas were very special to me. I enjoyed them tremendously. beer.gif My 30th birthday is tommorow and I am very much looking forward to it. happydance.gif


When I had my stroke my hubby and I were trying for our last child. Glug.gif The doc. told me that it would be very risky for me to ever get pregnant again. uhm.gif But that if we did plan on having one we should at least wait until Jan. '05. Well I figured that was that. There was NO WAY my hubby would wait a whole year to try again.


Imagine my supprise when on New Years Eve '04 he told me that he DID want to start trying again. yikes.gifbiggrin.gif


Now I know it's going to be "risky" but I have put it in God's hands. He saw me through the stroke and he can carry me through a high risk pregnancy too. cloud9.gif


I'm hoping to find out soon if I'm pg yet or not. We shall see. wink.gif

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God Bless you on your journey, and I can testify what He does for you when you do put it into His hands. I know! I had 3 strokes, a brain bleed, and 12 hrs of brain surgery while pg w/ my oldest, and I also gave it to Him, and she is as perfect as humanly possible today.


julie burdyshaw

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