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Hi All, I have been here every day. Keeping up with you all.

I have Quit smoking.. 2 weeks now. Not One Puff. and I am NOT eating everything in sight. I really do NOT want to put on 10 or 20 lbs. I drink Cold water.. sometimes I feel like I slosh. I am using the new drug Chantix.. there support site and also a "forum" site .. not unlike ourselves here.


My mother in law is back in the hospital, her lung filled again after a week. They drained 2 liters of fluid the other day. The oncologist is concerned about the fluid.. as it has cancer cells in it. They are doing a procedure tomorrow. where they will instill some sort of "talc" in the pleural sac where the fluid keeps building up. She will be intensive care for 2 or 3 days. They said she may have to have a "breathing tube" and she will be quite uncomfortable.. they will try to keep her pain and discomfort undercontrol


John is flying down on March 2nd and will come home on the 8th ... I will stay home and take care of animals.. and go to the shop several days.. to see what parts need to be ordered, do deposits, etc.


Did I pick a hell of a time to quit smoking or what? I know you can always find and excuse.. or there is too much stress.. etc etc etc. BUT I am doing it and sticking with it.


Today I didn't want to smoke, but I was over-sensitive and a not really feeling all that great. John and I had a little tiff. and I got kind of "huffy"... I explained later her hurt my feelings. Nothing like some emotional lability and withdrawl and scared.. about my MIL and I am trying to be sensitive to his feelings and fears also.


It was pretty nice out today... and we got home (and still not talking to each other) I took my mood out on cleaning the deck, scrubbing mats on the deck and some household chores. I also save my dryer lint.. and in Spring i take it out and sprinkle it around on the edge of the woods and bushes for the birds to use. I felt better after doing something nice..LOL


Not long after we made up...


I also sat down and started crocheting a "chemo" cap for Mom.. She is not 100% positive she is going to go for chemo yet. As I was crocheting.. my 2 male min pins got in a "growling" contest (nothing new) I thought what are they fighting over.. OOMG Muggsy (the dad) had brought in a fat ....headless mouse .. on the family room floor..... YUCK and DOUBLE YUCK... i grabbed paper towels, yelled at the dogs and grabbed the mouse and got it outside into the garbage. One one less to come in the house..


Minature pinschers were actually bred to keep mice and vermin out of houses..... Muggsy will dig for hours.. and Molly has caught a few mice..... Romeo just waits .. and then tries to claim it which usually gets him into trouble... Muggsy and Molly love nice days outside smelling and digging for mice and moles...... Some of the joys of living in the woods... I really dont mind the little guys as long as they stay outside.. out of my house and car.....


The next two or three weeks will be extremely busy.. getting things ready for John to leave.. packing suitcase, getting shop ready for him to leave. I'll be okay.. we just have to make sure we have pellets for the wood stove and dog food.. Two things I can no longer carry in the house.. The bags of pellets are 40 lbs.. I can open a bag and I use and old sauce pan to scoop the pellets into the hopper on the stove. I could always pick up a smaller bag of dog food.. and hay for the goats.. stored in the shed up by their pen.


Then cases of paper stocked up for the shop..... getting the tech out on service calls, etc etc.. I better have lots of bottles of cold water... and gummy worms...LOL


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Oh Bon, wish I could be of help to you over these next few weeks - instead I'll send hugs and prayers out west to you and John both. You're both going through a trying time. Critters fighting over headless mice doesn't help either lol. They definitely "break up" any monotony in the house.


I'm sure all will get done before John leaves for AZ - hope MIL is not in too much pain, bless her.


Congrats on the non-smoking. I'm still hanging in there but have had a few mini "meltdowns".

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hey Bonnnie:


congrats on your still sticking with quit smoking program. and don't worry about things at shop or home things will be done in due time and it won't be huge disaster maybe little inconvience, but they will be fine




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congrats on your quiting smoking,, it is hard but one has to be determined... also I hope MIL is not in too much pain I hope you can manage to keep the home fires burning and feed all the animals till John gets back.. lots of hugs to you and I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers... PS get lots of water... I drink a lot of it we buy it for our dispenser... and I always praise my hubby nd tell him how good it is makes him feel good like he has done some thing for me...

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Congratulations on quiting smoking. Stick it out. The health benefits are worth the pain and effort in the first few weeks. They will pass.



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