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A special day



Patrick and I don't have much time (or money) to just DO something together. It seems like it is so hard when you are extremely limited financially and then compounded by limited mobility to find fun ways to spend time together. Even just a drive somewhere costs a fortune in gas. When the opportunity arose earlier this month to just get away for the afternoon, we took it!


We started off the morning with our usual stop for coffee and hit the road towards Morrison, Colorado. One of the things we have always wanted to do since moving here was to see a concert at Red Rocks. While on a Friday morning there would be no concert, I thought it would be nice to check out the venue and find out how easy or difficult it was from our house to get there. I had no map or directions, but I had seen in a guidebook that it appeared to not be too far off the interstate. I headed in the right direction and hoped for the best (and signs).


Along the way, in a suburb just outside Denver, stood four elk. What a nice surprise! We continued on and kept an eye for signs. When a sign finally appeared, I wasn't sure if it was the right exit. I asked Patrick if he had anywhere to be and he confirmed he didn't, so we pressed on for another 10 miles or so. I am glad we did because the view was beautiful. Snow-capped mountains in the distance and rolling foothills before us. We eventually turned around and headed back to the exit we missed- didn't want to end up in Utah.


When we took the exit, I was surprised how small the road was that lead to the venue. I can imagine the road is deadlocked before or after a show. Oh well, I guess thats to be expected at any concert or event. Once we reached the amphitheater we wandered around the grounds and it was SO COOL. I was kind of shocked how many other people we there to wander around like us, or there to exercise by walking or jogging up and down the arena. We envisioned what bands we would like to see there, and what it would be like to see them perform as the sun was setting on the "red rocks" around us and the city of Denver in the distance. This is definitely a must-do in the future. Add it to my list. Visit Red Rocks here


After checking out the museum inside, we decided to head to Denver and grab some lunch. We ended up at the 16th street mall and found a restaurant. I really love going to local restaurants vs. chains and so we walked into a place that looked interesting and had some meat-free options (we are not vegetarians, Patrick is Catholic). It was fabulous! It had been a while since we treated ourselves to a nice restaurant and I am so glad we did. After finishing lunch and beating the meter maid, we headed toward the art district on Santa Fe Drive. This was actually the entire reason we planned this little day-trip.


I had recently acquired a copy Stroke Smart magazine in the waiting room of Patrick's driving therapist. I brought it home and the first thing Patrick said was, "Why is Jerry Garcia on the cover?" (I am paraphrasing aphasia-style). I explained it was not Jerry, but Abbas Khajeaian who is a local mosaic artist in the area. We thought it might be cool to see him, his studio and art so we decided why not!


We parked the car in the district and walked into many studios along the way while we looked for his studio. I had an old Denver guidebook and his studio was no longer at the same address. I did know that it was still around there somewhere because it had been listed in Stroke Smart mag as being in the district. We didn't mind that we hadn't found it, we were enjoying the walk and the art. We started to head back to the car when I saw a group of studios across the street. Low and behold his studio was inside! We looked at the pieces he had in the studio, the photos of past pieces and saw his works in progress. They were truly amazing. This man has little use of his right right side similar to Patrick. We got the opportunity to speak to Abbas for about 15 minutes or so. Patrick was very inspired by this man's accomplishments. Visit his website


It was a great way to spend the day. We had fun, enjoyed breathtaking views, fantasized about who it would be cool to see play at Red Rocks, saw elk grazing, grazed ourselves, DIDN'T get a parking ticket, enjoyed some art and inspiring company. We need to do this again!!!




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Glad you and Patrick had a terrific outing. The Red Rock website was quite interesting and I can imagine how wonderful to see in person. Abbas work is amazing - I read about it in the magazine as well - quite inspiring.


Hope you two are able to take more trips like that. One of our local radio stations has a contest going on daily where they give away a $50 gas card every hour betwen 7 am and 5 pm. Something like that would be perfect for you and Patrick.

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I enjoy these kind of spontaneous day trips and even enjoy not getting ticket. It's so cool you met mosaic man, his story was quite inspiring and to be able to meet him im person, how nice is that.






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Sounds like a great outing and How wondeful Patrick got to meet another survivor who is an artist.. Thanks for sharing your day with us (((((((hugs)))))))))

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