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Spring Where Are You?



Hmm ... Spring is hiding from the Pacific North West this year. We had some nice temps in Feb.. just a teasing I think. The tress are getting gree, the grass is growing. I saw the flowering plum trees all pink. We had a ver small amount of Snow this morning.. Yes snow. I had to brush it off the car.. the really wet heavy stuff.. Then this afternoon the sun was out, and I was outside in a sweat-shirt.


I have not smoked for 40 days.. This is a Big deal for me. (and so far I have not gained weight) also an issue since I gained weight after the stroke. I am feeling better and noticing a difference. I am using the new medicine, to quit smoking, it has been helpful. I only had a couple really crabby days..LOL I also have used an on-line stop smoking support group.


I made it through the 10 days John was in Phoenix visiting his mother and family. I had people I could call if I needed help. I feel very good/independent that I managed all myself. I was careful and I took my cell phone outside with me. The neighbor above walks his dogs down to the property line every day.. and he checked on me too.. Family members called me to make sure all was well and that I didn't need anything.


John's sister took loads of photos and e mailed them to us. So we have some great pictures of the family and siblings with mom. I printed out some for John as a surprise.

I crocheted a "cheery chemo cap" for mom. The Dr's said she may not lose her hair. John gave it to her and they all thought it was so cute.. and said I should make them and sell them..LOL. Well last night John talked to Mom and she is beginning to lose her hair.. She said I may need another .. and I will have to look for some.

John and I had gone to Seattle yesterday and I had him stop at one craft store.. I bought some of the yarn I needed in another color and had a 2nd hat already started for mom. John told her I had another started..


I have my airline tickets ... I will be going to Arizona to stay with mom for a week. So I will be off site from April 10th through the 21st .. I am looking forward to spending time with her.


Thank you all who have kept our family in your thoughts and prayers.. please continue.. Mom will be starting her 2nd round of chemo on Wednesday. She is a spunky little lady and holds a very special place in our hearts.


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My thoughts and prayers will continue to go out to your spunky MIL; bless her heart. I'm so so proud of you in the not smoking dept. I'm wavering on my end but will try to hang in there. If Bonnie can do it so can I. You could definitely go into business making your chemo caps. Sorry to hear she's beginning to lose her hair though. Hope the same individuals who were around to help you if need be will also be available for John - he might need the assistance when you're in AZ.

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your whole family will be in my prayers. I am so proud of you Bonnie, you are one spunky daugter -in-law of spunky mom. no wonder you are survivor. I knew you will be able to do it alone you have that strength within you. congrats on not smoking stick with it, and you will reap benefits.




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Ditto Miss Bonnie!

I am PROUD of you for not smoking, I know how hard it is to quit. Keep up the good work, you are past the worst of it!!


I will continue to keep "Mom" in my thoughts, as well as you and John.



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Great job with smoking!


Fortunately we're not much of a market with chemo caps,

but knowing how we're all always freezing

I'd bet you'd make a killing with throws around here.

Continued prayers for mom and your family.

Maria :friends:

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