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Recovery Continues - Yeah!!!!! & WHOHOOOOOO!!!!



Just when I was thinking this week (dumb thing to do huh) that my recovery had plateaued, some new things occurred. First I was able to wiggle my index finger side to side. Was able to do it so far the one time but it's the first time in 3 years.


Last night was way cool :laughbounce: . Kristi, Lili and I were on my bed sitting and talking (not Lili lol) and I laid back on my bed and raised my arm straight up to 90 degree angle and held it there without any assistance. In the past it would waiver in the breeze and flop back down. I was able to move it to the right across my body, to the left and behind me as well. Since I was on a roll, I ventured to bend my arm at my elbow and touch my hand to my forehead. I did that as well without clonking myself in the face, which Kristi half expected. And, I was able to raise my arm back up as well. As Kristi had previously taken NyQuil for her horrendous cough, she was half asleep on my bed so she didn't really have a reaction. Lili however thought about chasing Mom's arm going up and down. She had the "look" so I knew what she was thinking lol. I was able to accomplish my arm feats several times but quit when the old arm started wavering and quivering a bit to much. This was the first time post stroke that this occurred with the old arm. Now, if all this could occur when I'm sitting or standing so it could be a tad functional it would be great. I told Kristi, if I could hold a brush in my hand, I could brush my hair lying down.


Standing, I can now bend my arm and raise my hand to my chin though it does wiggle some. Previously I got it chest high only.


Just proves that recovery does continue past the first year. I'd love to call my old neuro and tell him but why bother - the idiot probably wouldn't remember me anywhoo as he only saw me one time. I have the satisfaction though and it helps keep me motivated and determined to forge ahead.


I get to work on my balance several times a day during the week thanks to Lili. The ball fetching kitten :play_ball: lol. She has Mom throw her rubber ball up the steps for her to chase. She will then sit at the top of the steps and release it so it bounces back down to me. If she releases it easy enough, I can catch it when it gets down to me. If not, I get to practice bending down to pick it up without falling on my nose - So far so good there. Hopefully one day I will be able to throw it for her with the left hand. Now that would be a huge Whoohoooo.


Today, Kristi did say it was cool and she was so happy - she admitted that she barely remembered telling me I was going to bonk myself in the head with my hand lol. Good old Nyquil had kicks in quick. She told her one friend from AZ today on the phone.


I do think she's finally on the upside of the nasty flu bug though the cough remains. Fortunately, I've held it somewhat at bay other than aches (more than normal) and an occasional sore throat and cough. Theraflu is nasty tasting :no: :yucky: stuff for sure. But it does help. As Grandma always said the good tasting stuff doesn't help lol


Next feat is to walk around downstairs without AFO and hemi with shoes on. When that's mastered, will work on the steps. Would love to retire the AFO. I must keep in mind that I'm farther along than I was on 1-1-05 and continue to count my blessings. Plus, with very limited income, my prayers are being answered in His time.


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i'm so thrilled for you! the pace of recovery is slow, but it's still progress and it helps to have a positive attitude in the process. i can see lili being mesmermized by your arm movements and getting ready to pounce! the accomplishments and strides you make are truly inspiring.

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I'm so happy for your latest progress. Goes to show that Drs. don't know everything (and some don't know much of anything). LOL You go girl !!!!


:Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:



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Thats awesome Donna! Whenever I find that I can do something new I always try to practice it 5 or 10 times too. I think these doctors who say that there will not be any more improvements are idiots. You are always getting better and getting more back, it's just very, very slow. I think thats what they can't deal with. Its not fast enough for them to measure. I try to think opf my self as being reborn and relearning everything as if from scratch. So, that means I am almost 4 years old. Keep up the good work!. Wiggle that finger for me and pet the cat while you're at it!


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congratulatioon on your new accomplishments. start incorporating those gains in doing functional things that's what I am telling myself. great job, you inspire so many of us.



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Guest lwisman


Congratulations Donna! Way to go.


BTW, I am impressed by the story about throwing the ball up the stairs to Lili and having her return it. That is unusual cat behavior. Maybe she is a cat genius???

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yeah donna! :Clap-Hands:


i am so thrilled about your progress! you are right to just forgot the old doc who does not believe in the strength of the human spirit and recovery. i once had a very smart neuro doc who was honest and said medicine just does not understand the brain yet - we are still in the dark ages in a way. he felt most anything is possible in recovery and you proved it. survivors on this site prove it every day too. now, beware of lili - i think she may have some sort of special kitty powers --lol--never heard of a kitty returning a ball. cheers! kathy

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donna dear, i am so happy for you, that is the best news i have heard in a long long time. keep practicing and lili will help you i'm sure. how happy you must be. i wish you continued improvement too, keep at it and pretty soon you will be walking without the afo, just be very careful.


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I can relate to the 3 year time frame as that is how long it took for me to be able to tie my shoes again. No 2 strokes are alike but what is alike is that the recovery of skills takes time and lots of effort.

Hang in there and keep at it. Best of wishes to you.




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:laughbounce: That is so great Donna. But what is even better is that you don't give up and you keep trying. You go girl!

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