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joyful tianjin update!



greetings...i want to post the latest news re the first teaching hospital for traditional chinese medicine in tianjin, china... start up the band...there's been a change!...the hospital administrators have seen ruth lycke and her china connection exactly for what it is...they tired of her incompetent dysfunctional disingenuous meddling in the american patients' treatment plans and bounced her sorry butt out of the hospital...i was always amazed (and repulsed) at lycke's self- serving antics...she'd run around the halls in a white lab coat as if her services were urgently needed on some critical decision making (in an acupuncture hospital!!!!)...she structured meetings with the top acupuncturists regarding the patients' case management...she did these things and a lot more because she could and because they fed her tragically insecure itsy bitsy teeny weenie ego...all the administrators finally realized that she knows next to nothing about tcm case management, or any other case management, having no medical background...she has emt training but no field experience...the latter of which she conveniently eliminates after stressing the former...so now an american patient can indeed be admitted to this hospital without having to endure lycke's pathetic and expensive interference...she has been categorically told that she cannot come to the hospital to engage in any aspect of the patients' care or management...that is the rightfully reserved domain of qualified professionals...tho she could still refer patients...my 911 call to the karma police was in fact answered...!!!!...given that there is mounting evidence that acupuncture and certain chinese herbs (neuro aid) does effect the neuroplasticity of the brain after a stroke or any other kind of traumatic brain injury, the path has now been cleared for treatment in this hospital at a much more affordable rate now that lycke has been effectively disempowered...you can directly contact the foreign affairs office at: 011 86 022 2743 2238...ms. liang can make all the necessary arrangements including pickup at the beijing airport...the dollar has lost value against the chinese yuan but without the extra $750 a month i had to pay to china connection for 'services' (this was in addition to room and treatment fees) plus all the other related fees that china connection cleverely constructed, you'll probably pay a lot less than what i paid in 2007...all that and no lycke...ah i do sleep a little better these days!!!!...


someone recently posted that they felt horribly for me and suggested that i stay local to explore domestic treatments...i sincerely thank anyone for expressing their concern for my journey...however i'd like to state my reason for the creation of this blog: to share my experience with the foreign therapies for stroke that i deem worthy of exploration with other survivors...not to blow my own horn but i do feel this to be a worthy endeavor for a few different reasons...this therapeutic interest i have always had in alternative therapies dovetails perfectly with my undiminished passion for travel...the hospital in huaihua was indeed a huge disappointment but i got over it...i had my wonderful chinese friend with me all the way and given my previous experience in china moved on to find beneficial treatments in beijing... informing others to eliminate this phony 'hospital' as any kind of option for any kind of treatment, i will have done my good deed for the day...i am also pursuing a possible business venture over there and i cannot overstate how meaningful my chinese extended family has become to me...i'm sure i will return in 2009 first and foremost for stroke recovery with my other interests over there thankfully filling in the rest of my time...for those with an interest in my reports stay tuned...i'm not over...i am grateful in my ability such as it is to keep the other areas of my life active still pursuing my life interests...that said, i am and have been actively pursuing every avenue of domestic therapy that i am aware of...i have a keen interest in the latest findings re neuroplasticity...most of which are domestic therapies...


my best goes out to all on this wonderful org...from nyc, richxxx


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  • Founder and Owner

We REALLY appreciate you keeping us up to date, Rich. Your blogs are always informative. It is great to get the scoop from someone who can give us what we could expect if we went to China without your wonderful insight! :)

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Hi Rich, a always glad to hear from you. thank you so much for the update and contact information.


Wishing you prosperity and happiness in your new business venture. Stay safe and well. good thoughts and hugs to you, Bonnie

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bonnie!...i'll keep posting for those with similar interests...i'll give you a shout to catch up one of these summer days!...best, rich

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