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Monthly Update



Just a quick update as to what is going on in our lives...here goes.


Well, we now have an empty nest. So far, it hasn't been too bad. It is a bit of an adjustment getting used to the silence, but I think Lisa and I are starting to enjoy it. The kids are doing fine in their apartment in Minneapolis except for the boredom of being by themselves more. I keep telling them that it will pass with time once school gets going but what do I know, right? The big move went well and I have been down there a few times and everything looks good.


I recently purchased a wheelchair van with a Braun lift for Lisa. I, as is customery for caregivers, have been having some back pain and the van has been a big help relieving some of the strain on it. I got such a great deal on it and have only needed to sink a small amount of cash into it that it has already paid for itself. I just hope it can survive a tough Minnesota winter.


Lisa had one incident. She was driving her electric wheelchair up our sidewalk and went off the concrete. Her and the chair went elbows over tea kettle into the grass. She wasn't hurt, more shaken than anything. It's scary when things like that happen. But, the chair broke. The seat would not lock into position. One quick call to the repair shop and it's good as new.


I recently played golf in a charity golf tournament in honor of a person who passed away at the hospital when Lisa was there. We spent so much time together in the waiting room that you really get to know the other families involved. It was good to see all his brothers again.


Other than that, it has been a beautiful summer so far. For now, things are status quo.


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Hey Butch!

Glad to hear another update! It's nice that you were able to find a great deal on a van, I am never that great at finding deals on cars. As for the empty nest, I am looking forward to it! Only two more years of school till my son gets kicked out, uh, I mean moves out. Who knows though, when the time gets closer I have a feeling I might feel a little differently...


Hope you continue to have a great summer. May your balls bounce your way. (I am talking about golf...geesh)



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I'm so glad Lisa wasn't hurt in the mishap with her chair - Yikes - she must gave been terrified. Cool on the van - way to go. I'll face the empty nest in two years as well; I'm scared to be honest, as it will be just me and my furballs in the house then. Have to train them to help with trash, laundry and shopping lol.

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hey Butch:


It's always pleasure reading your updates. for me empty nest is lot of years away, but I am sure it will be different phase in our life. It's good that you have your golfing as great outlet. is Lisa active on this site?






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Hi Butch,


Glad to see your update. Those chair lifts are wonderful. I'm surprised it took you this long to get one. Also glad to see you're getting some golfing in this summer. I can't believe the summer is half over already.





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