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things looking up



hello folks, just an update on my woe's. my dad is home and doing quite well. he is walking alot more instead of sitting in his comfy chair and vegetating. all 3 of us kids have told him to move more. he needs to be more active. he lives in a assisted living complex and he is happy. i am so grateful for his recovery and thankyou all for the prayers. my son marc seems to be doing as well as to be expected. he still has back pain but he deals with it, baby jake is doing great, getting bigger and funnier by the day. he is 5months old now with 2teeth and is a good baby and the apple of everyone's eye. unfortunately we had to put my baby stimpy to sleep a few weeks back. he told us he was ready to go, so we accommodated him . my hubby took him in, as the vet was to busy that day to make a house call for us. i wanted him to die at home but it couldn't happen. i wasn't sure if hubby could do this and i offered to go with him. but he said no because he knew i would not be able to handle it either,(in other words, the drama) LOL ok i admit it i get extremely attached to my critters and it kills me when they die. i swear i'll never get another one. but you know after the pain gets easier with time, i'm wanting another pet. you'd think i have enough here now. i have 2 dogs, 3 cats and a ferret. but 1 dog n cat are my sons since he moved back in with us after his divorce , but i am grateful he and his critters are here. he's my baby and going to school and i will help him through all of this as best i can. when he finishes he'll be able to get a good job anywhere, making good money, then he can start again on his own. when i went to my neuro check-up. my blood pressure was alarming. so i was started on another bp med along with a new med for my emotions, which has help me tremendously. i have not cried in over 2 weeks. not even at something sad involving animals. the bad part was these meds were to be started as 1 a day working up to 4 for and 6 for the other. so you can imagine my frustration in trying to refill my med container each week but my son helped me so i didnt overdose my self. he said these meds have worked well in stroke patients from clinical trials and research they have done. i know they worked for me. i love my neuro to death, he always takes care of me and addresses my concerns on each visit. he is the head of the stroke clinic here in phoenix and travels to give speeches and lectures on stroke to other drs. i trust him completely. had i seen him 1st after my stroke, i would have been better off, but i have him now and thats what matters. so my cloud is lifting for awhile anyway. sorry this is so long, i never know when to shut-up i guess. i hope everyone's week is a great one, full of good things. thanks for reading my ramblings. hugs n love to all, :D kimmie


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Well, good news is good news, so why not share it.


I understand about the death of pets. It is so hard. We had Kat for 19 years and she died here at home with Daisy and I watching over her. Paul buried her on private property along the river. Then when Daisy died of a heart attack, he buried her beside Kat.


Have you posted pictures of Baby Jake. BTW, that is Misti's grandson's name. He's 3.



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Good news IS good news Kimmie and must be shared. I'm glad that all is going well and you know that Stimpy is looking into the water at the Rainbow Bridge watching his family.


Terrific news on the new medications that are helping you. We know one cause of the elevated blood pressure don't we ;) girl. I can razz you of course as I totally understand.


Love ya and (((hugs)))

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Hi Kimmie: I glad you had good news to go with the bad. I know if I think long enough, I will always find good news. We lost Scooter (a cat) after my stroke and it hit us both real hard. It isn't ever easy to lose a pet because they become family, that's why we are pet people :) . Glad to hear things are working well with your dad. My mom was in assisted living for 4 years before she passed away and had some fun there before she started going downhill. Exercise is indeed important. If you don't use it, you lose it ! Glad too that your new meds are working for you and that you have a good neuro. I like mine also altho' he doesn't suggest anything new for me - I see him 2x/year for follow-ups. We haven't tried botox but I don't think it would work for my lame left leg. And good news on your son and Baby Jake so all-in-all I think the good new outweighed the bad. Keep smiling. Hugs from Leah :friends:

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Thanks for sharing your good news. :) I am glad your dad is home, and hopefully he will join in some of the activities in his assisted living home.


Hopefull Marc will heal and the pain will go away.


I think of Tasha looking out for Stimpy at the Rainbow bridge. we lost her in October, she was with us 11 years and took care of our 3 min pins..


I am glad your new meds are working well and that your son could help you with your med box.


((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) Bonnie

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Kimmie, so often we get caught up in our own stuff and dont pay attention to those around us. Kimmie I had not idea what you were going thur until now, I knew something but not what. Had I known I could have been more specific with the man upstairs. you have alwasys been my encouragemetn for me and my dad, and I am sorry I wasnt there for you. Glad you are doing better.



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