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Can it really be a whole year??



Tomorrow is the anniversary of Larry's stroke - and though it certainly won't be an anniversary that we'll celebrate, I will definitely be marking the day. I'm proud of us both for having lived through this and come more or less out the other side. There were many days when I didn't believe that was going to happen. Looking back on the last year is in many ways like reading about someone else's life: interesting, but very third person. There's a weird detachment, especially in the early weeks and months, and if I hadn't been scrupulous about writing things down I would have no memory at all of some of those days.


Larry's doing well, and although he gets very frustrated by his inability to communicate he's adjusted to his new life. I know that he does not miss going to work, and in fact I believe now that part of the reason why the stroke happened is because he was so desperate to get out of the trap of his job, which had become unbearable to him. Interesting how your body will find solutions to problems that the brain can't solve on its own. In any case, although his world is very small these days he seems content with being at home, watering the plants, watching TV and sleeping much of the day. He's at peace most of the time, and likes his routine, and I think is happy not having any responsibilities anymore.


As for me, I'm stretched pretty thin but have also adjusted. It's hard sometimes to take care of everything, but there is also a freedom that I didn't have before. If I want to do something I just do it, no more consultations back and forth or having to make compromises. I'm tougher than I used to be, and I spend less time dithering about what I should and shouldn't do, mainly since I don't have the luxury of wasting time anymore. This is not the life I would have chosen for either of us, but since it's the life we have I'm making the best of it. The alternative is not very appealing.


So, things are OK. Hard to believe that it's been a year. I called Larry's office today just to hear his answering machine message (which the university still has not changed!), and it was very odd to hear him speaking. I'll be sorry when they finally do change the message, though knowing how things work in the Cal State system I may have a very long wait before that day comes. In the meantime, I like to hear it once in a while - it's like looking at a picture of the Twin Towers before 9/11, that same nostalgia for a time that's gone and that I didn't appreciate enough. Presumptuous to equate our personal catastrope with something of that magnitude, but that's what comes to mind when I think about it.


Thanks to everyone who has helped us get through this year. The people on this site have been wonderful and got me through the worst of the worst times. I truly would not be here without you - there were days when I logged in here instead of swallowing a handful of pills, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who can say you all literally were livesavers. Not to be too dramatic, but it's true and thanks really do not cover it, but there you are.


xxx's and ooo's



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Janine, so good to hear from you. I remember when you first began posting and the early days of Larry's stroke. The first year is definitely a milestone and you are on the other side. Larry sounds as though he has settled into a comfortable routine and one that works for him. Do you still have your helper that came on board after his stroke to help? She sounded like such a godsend.


Please check in whenever you are able. It's nice to get an update.

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Janine, one year on is a good milestone. It is a time for getting comfortable with the life you have now which you more or less seem to have done. Ray, like Larry, likes a quiet routine life and doesn't seem to want much now. Such a contrast to ten years ago for us.


If you are ever down come on here and start reading, reading, reading until you feel better. That has been a strategy that works for me. My son says I am hooked on Strokenet and in a lot of ways it is true. I want to know what others in my "family" are going through. So it is great when you post or any of my other favourite people.


For me my language hit is hearing my Mum's voice as she hasn't spoken much for the past two years. Her loss of speech is caused by Frontal Lobe Dementia/Alzheimers which has robbed her of her thought processes etc but she still says : "Don't!" if I tickle her ribs. Before her dementia was so severe we used to chat together all the time and I really miss that. It is like she is autistic now, so shut-in and introverted.


Anyway, I am glad you and Larry are settled and you are re-building your life again.



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It's great to hear from you. I've been thinking of you and Larry and wondering how you two were doing. I remember back to the dark days where you did know where to turn or how you were going to get things done let alone what to get done.


Bless your heart - you've come a long way baby - as the commercial goes.


Seems hard to believe that it is a year. I'm sure you both are looking at the day with mixed emotions. While it's definitely not something to "party" over, it is a day to count your blessings that Larry and you together are conquering what you have both been dealt. The first year is said to be the toughest one; you've both made it so that is well worth it.


As a survivor, I can fully understand how this site is a lifesaver - it was and still is mine.


(((hugs))) to you both.

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The surrealism of the memory is not difficult to understand. Larry's stroke for you was no less catastrophic than the Twin Towers and certainly does equate on a smaller scale because it happened to your world. Don't minimalize the tremendous hit you took and were able to recover from because of the incredibly strong woman that you are.

We're glad we could be here along the way and will always be here for you.

Maria :friends:

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It was so great to hear from you. first year is the hardest & great milestone. I still remember your earlier posting & can feel you have come quite far in your journey too. no one likes lemons handed to them but you have made great lemonade out of it. I feel this site has been lifesaver for me, and it feels good to know that maybe in some minor ways I helped people coming on this site after me.





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Congratulations for surviving your first year as a caregiver to Larry. You have comes so far personally. I am amazed at the difference evident in your writings. That you can see the good in the situation is also proof. Keep on going.


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