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With Faith at the heart of our lives, we are truly blessed. As pure as a rushing stream.. as dazzling as sunshine..as solid as a mounain..our belief will guide us, no matter where life may lead. If we have faith we know God's miracles have touched our hearts in times of trouble. God's beauty in our lives is that our Faith is at the center of our life having him there.


He is pure love "Believe all things are possible with God." In the worst moments in my life, I know friends will disappoint me but the one who never does is God. I know he gives me lessons in my life and a journey to travel. Along the way of my journey there are road blocks. But, it is in those times, that I seem to grow the most. Life would be rather boring if everything was perfect. I have learned so much these past five years since my Brain Stem Stroke. I am learning more about myself. I know one thing I can count on God 24/7/

365 days a year. He is always there, He will never leave nor forsake me. Gosh, what a blessing that is, I have one person I can count on .... What a comforting thought. He never puts me on call waiting or have to leave a message on his answering machine, text him, etc. He is the real deal.

I am one lucky gal. He loves me.......


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your this blog is amazingly comforting. just knowing we all have God we can count on takes away immense pressure our chattering mind puts on life.




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Jan, you blogs are always so inspirational. You are so right, HE is the only one we can count on 24/7 and He is the only friend that will not forsake us or disappoint us or judge us. HE is who I look too for comfort and answers. He is the great mentor and counselor, He requires no payment or glory. I try to do All things with Him, through HIM with HIS love, HIS way is the only way! No matter how angry or hurt I become, I do as he would have me to do, whether I want to or not. Sometimes that means turning the other cheek even when I don't want to. He always prevails when I do that, that I can always count on!



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