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my vacation



hello strokenet people. i am just blogging to share my excitement. i am finally going to see my grandson jake. next monday my youngest son and i are flying To my home town of forth worth texas, for some RnR, ha, you say with a grandson rest and relaxation, i don't think so. but that's where mom n dad come in, its their turn, lol. i just want to hold,kiss and hug him to death. and i found out mom is pregnant again. jake is 7months old this month. OMG they have no idea what they r in for. she is due in october. i keep telling myself, kim, let them be the parents and handle things themselves! ok i know but moms always have their 2cents worth of comments.i guess she wants to do it again while she can, with her high risk status. ok so be it. i will enjoy jake while i can. we are only going for 5days because my son has to be back to work. that's fine with me, at least i'm going. i was hoping to try and see my dad too in oklahoma but that's an 8hr trip one way, so i will plan another trip to see him. hes been in the hospital again due to dizziness and hes 84. so i need to spend some time with him since his health has been up n down the last 2 years. my sister and her family lives right outside of dallas so we will have a family get together. they havent seen jake yet either. i feel so much better having someone with me when i fly to help get me thru all of the stuff you have to do now to be able to fly. i am just so excited and can't wait. i hope to get some pictures finally put in the gallery when i get back. anyway guys bon voyage, till i return. have a great week. i'm taking my puter so i can keep up with the site and chat with my friends.


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I am so so happy for you dear friend. Give lil Jake a hug and kiss from his cyber Aunties. Enjoy every second of the 5 days.

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:cloud9: I bet you are on Cloud 9 right about now aren't you Kimmie Girl? I am toasting you on finally getting to hold and love your precious Grandson, Jake.

:cocktail: He is one blessed lil guy to have such an awesome GrandMom. :friends: I am just so excited for you. :Clap-Hands: I pray you have a good trip. :Good-Luck:

Try to focus on your trip and being with you family. We will be here when you get home. :Typing: Just look out the plane window and see us all in spirit waving to you. :Wave: :Zzzz: :artist: Make and create all the memories you can :cheer: :clap: :congrats: :hug: :makmiday: Yes you will make those funny Grandmom faces to Jake :nana: :groupwave:

Have a wonderful trip my friend, I can't wait to hear all about it when you return to us. I will pray for a good flight. God Bless, see you Believed In Miracles and now you are Soaring on that plane to be with your Baby Jake. AMEN

Love n Hugs, Jan :)

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Oh HAPPY DAYS..... it is sooo exciting, I can't wait for pics of Jake....


oh you are so right, they will have their hands so full with two little ones, lol but, like you say, that is up to them.


Have a great flight and an even better time with your visit.


hugs Anne

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Enjoy every minute of your well deserved trip. Take plenty of pictures of little Jake because you everyone is as excited for you as you are and just dying to see them. Have a safe trip and bask in ever minute of being with the baby and your family.


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RELAX! and let the pilot do the flying and your son run interference at the airport. you need all that energy to enjoy your baby jake......take many pictures so we can enjoy and coo how cute he is. have fun and enjoy your sons and grandson...hugs...kathy

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2 tall order of congratulations for you. you are going to spend time with Jake who is soon going to be big brother. take lot of pictures & share with us. enjoy every minute of your time with your grandson & son.




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You are probably in the air at this hour so I hope you enjoy your RnR in Texas. It will be HOT in Ft Worth. I am about one hour, forty-five minutes from there. If you pm me I can give you my cell number and If you'll be there 5 days and desire, I can come visit for a couple hours. I'm not employed so I can make a quick trip there to meet you in person.


OH, and you may not see this comment until you get back home!

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Kimmie: yes, that's great news. so happy for you. enjoy every minutes and savor the time with Jake. be safe. hugs from Leah

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Kimmie, whoohoo...each of those five days will bring new joy and discovery for you with Jake. I am so happy you are going to visit and that your son will be with you. I am glad you will be able to visit with your sister, too.


Enjoy this special time and when you get back, load up the pictures for us. I am just so excited for you about this trip!

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they sure are colrakaresand ebjoy all that you canand thank you for the well wishescoladokares and just in time because i am going on holidays all the best and thank you karen

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