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Catching the Caregiver Back Pain Train





I'm just returning from a two week pity party. You know the kind where you don't think you can handle one more metaphorical---or real, for that matter---hangnail. Giving myself a sharp "get over yourself, everyone has problems" usually keeps pity parties off my property---I'm generally an upbeat kind of person---but not this time. This time, four out-of-place vertebrae were playing sadistic games with the nerves running down my leg and they threw open the front door inviting the pity party pack to camp out in the living room. Woo is me! The cry fest started and the tears were only interrupted with occasional outbursts of succulent statements like.... Click here to read the rest.




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I hear you - but I thought pushing 220 lb. was bad enough so I've started cutting back on his food intake. I found acupuncture works better for me but, as far as I know, I don't have anything out of place yet, just the muscle strain between the shoulder blades. I finally got the youngest son to realize the toll it's taking on my body and he's off work on family medical leave for the summer to help out. He didn't like the alternative if my back went out altogether!





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Nothing like pain to get us to pitch that "Superwoman" cloak out the window. Ray weighs less than I do but I've found getting the wheelchair in and out of the car four or more times in the one day is the trigger for my back muscles to convulse all night and stop me from sleeping. I've never been brave enough to have the xrays done and look at the actual damage.


Jean, a leaner meaner Don is a necessity if you are to go on caregiving. I know diet is "die with a t on the end" as Garfield says but sometimes those extra pounds just can't be lifted any more. Enough is enough.


I don't know about having your children look after you, our younger son lives with us but I don't know who looks after who. I do know that whenever we have an emergency he isn't anywhere close by and I am the one who does the lifting.


Remember pity parties are okay, as long as you flush.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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Back pain is the stone around a caregivers neck. I am always vigilant about the back. Use the legs to lift is my mantra. But, forget one time and you can have pain. Yes...that wheelchair is not light. I never realized how heavy it is. Lifting it in the back of the car and out again is a job. Somedays. I don't want to go anywhere because of all the work. yes, my husband is now down to 185 pounds or so. We never get on a scale. But he used to be in the 200's. Less weight has made it possible for me to help him with out hurting myself. People say that I am petite. I never think of myself like that. Yes, I bemoan the fact that i didn't have more children. but, William has 3 and none of them offer to come and help. My son has come to help but he is in doing a medical residency and does not have much free time.

Take care of yourself is another mantra that I hear all of the time.


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I'm glad to read your blog, long time no hear from you. Hope all will settle down soon and the party comes to an end on your property. I know all about pains of every kind in what seems like every place on my body too. Care giving is still the most tasking job I know of that is physically demanding.


I had just mentioned the other day that you and Sue are the two care givers my heart really goes out to for the endurance and care you have shown for your loved ones. You two gave me so much love and respect for all care givers everywhere.


So, get off the train get in your easy chair, better pain free days are coming your way soon. Maybe old uncle "Arthritis" will not want to visit or stay long as an uninvited trouble.

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It was great to read your update though so sorry to hear you're having back problems. I hope you are on the mend and there will no further problems. Good to hear that Don and Levi are doing well.

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