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lady k


thought i would update my blog, basically i haven't done anything new. been staying home, i have all new doctors and my diabetes got out of hand and had to change antidepressant had to be changed and i have been fighting a big funk, ans still fighting it, i rarely sleep, and doctor thinks it is depression, so we are still trying to find the right med, even the sleeping pills don't help, just make me feel worse. had a friend over who urged me to get back on here and after getting on reading

new posts, thought i would update this. i am still in overcomers in fact i am a facilitator and i am the person called to substitute when the regular person can't get to the meeting, if anyone needs a good place to go to get help on this journey of overcoming our why me i recommend finding a meeting. even though it was originally a program for addicts or alcoholics, it is a christian based program for overcoming life controlling problems.


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It is so good to see you back. I wondered about you and how you were doing. It sounds like your days are not easy at the present time. We would love to see you back on the board posting and blogging again. Take care.


Stephanie (Stessie)

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Yeah kakii, it really is you? Wow, you look wonderful! And I have missed you SO much. I just hate it when people leave and I don't know why, or if they are okay, or not. I am going to give you a hug...(((((HUGS)))).. just in case it is not a good day for you my friend.


Yep, must be nasty to feel down in the dumps all the time. I felt like that this week, a combination of just a head/chest cold, a few things which have gone wrong and no sign of spring yet and it is <1st SEPTEMBER> We are having warmer weather but not rain and things look dry and dusty instead of green and blosomming like they should be.


So come and dance around the site again, encourage those who need it, give some advice, share your own experience and wisdom. You are needed here.



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I am glad that you made it back. This is the best place to come for support and to share. It sounds like you are in a rough patch right now. Let us help you through this muddle. Just come and share and vent...we are here to listen. We do know how you feel. I am caregiver, to my husband and I know that the journey is long and hard. It has ups and downs. But, this is the place to be when you feel good and when you feel bad.

I look forward to getting to know you.


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hey kakii:


I am glad you came back to us. for me getting out of my dumps was fueled by blogging & hanging around here.


hope you stickaround & feel better soon.




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