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Countdown to college



Well.....Kristina has graduated from High School. The commencement ceremony was beautiful. I surprised myself and held myself together quite well. I kept busy by taking pictures and had to keep "calm" to do so lol. Her graduation party was the following weekend and was great.


With the gift money she received, she bought herself a laptop. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! No more sharing the computer between us.


College will begin on August 30th. Kristi will be attending Carlow University, here in Pittsburgh, for Nursing.


My little girl will turn 18 on Aug. 15th. I think that's hitting me harder than her senior prom and graduation did.


As for me, doing ok. Still receiving botox injections every 3 to 4 months. The left leg and ankle are responding better than the left arm/hand/fingers though. I've had increased tone in my forearm that is affecting the tone in my fingers and palm of my hand. This last time I received injections, my doc tried to address the additional tone issues by injecting into the palm of my hand and the inside of my forearm. It helped a smidge although the pain from the injections about sent me through the roof. He's going to ask for an increase in dosage from my insurance so he doesn't have to reduce the dosage in other areas as he had to this last time.


When our weather is not too hot or too humid, I have been getting out in my power chair cruising around. We've had a hot and muggy summer so I am limited on getting out. By the time the sun goes down I am too tired from fighting the heat all day to venture out. I now have box fans in every room of the house so I'm never too far away from them.


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:congrats: I can't believe Kristi is going to be pursuing nursing career. I remember you wanted to be nurse before your life took different path. please share some of her graduation pictures with us. I have told you many times before. you have done excellent job of raising your daughter as a single mom & on top of that singlehandedly. you both deserve ton of happiness in your life. time just flies by.




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Good to hear from you Donna and congrats on "the kid in college" she's all grown up now as a fine young lady that will make you very, very proud of her!


You guys can get by with the window fans in Pittsburgh, not here in Texas, it's A/C or die in this kind of intense heat! We're getting in the triple digits now and only God knows how many days it'll be before it cools down.


Take care, keep them Steelers ready to play football this year, OK? I'm still here peddling along, walking a bit better and without a cane some. All the time in the house but still gotta learn to do the step up on the curbs thing! That scares me sine I been using my quad cane for almost 7 years!!

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We're still in the same parental boat girlfriend and sinking fast. Marc was 18 today and I'm not taking this whole my baby's going to college in Aug. and is 18 too well either. I feel for ya babe...at least they're not getting married YET!

Maria :mwah:

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