Anthony Ceballos


Oct. 13, 1999 is a day that Anthony Ceballos wishes had never happened. He doesn

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Hi Anthony: Thank you for share your story with the storke newsletter. We all have your journeys and it helps for me to read how strong and courageous and determined people like you are. I am sorry you ended in divorce but not even that defeated you and now you have proven, with God's help that their is life at the end of the tunnel.


I too have gained a lot of post-stroke achievements that other people (including me pre-stroke) take for granted. When I get down in dumps, I remember the beginning and what I could NOT do. Now the pages are filled with what I CAN do and I try to focus at that.


You have given me inspiration for writing my story. I've stared it many times and now have another draft written. I know Deb will help edit, so I just need to go for it. Again, thank you. Keep jumping those hurdles. Your survivor friend, Leah (Tucson, AZ)

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Hi Anthony:


I had a Thrombotic Stroke in Dec. 10, 2006. So I sort of what your talking about. Thank you for sharing your story with us as I'm sure we all can relate in some way. Thank you again for sharing your story.



Bruce Schwentker

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