
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Everything posted by SandyCaregiver

  1. I'm so glad to hear you had a wonderful trip. I also worry about being the one following a wheelchair. I used to be the one IN the wheelchair, because I just can't walk fast without hurting my feet tendons. I hope one day we will see the ocean again
  2. SandyCaregiver


    I'm so glad to hear you are improving again! You are on the right track to becoming 'Nancy' the mother, the friend, the confidant and yes, still Nancy the Caregiver. You will never lose the part of you that looks out for Dan, but you have the support you need to do the 'heavy lifting' on such a difficult case. Keep improving Nancy, luv you!
  3. SandyCaregiver

    New Mexico

    Aren't you Bruce's room mate? I don't know what's happening...ahhhhhhh! ANYWAY, hope it all goes smooth!
  4. Nancy, you are improving little by little. Now it's your turn to nurse and nurture Nancy. Mother yourself, be kind to yourself, and allow yourself all the room that you would have allowed someone else to have, for re-cooperating (is that how to spell that?) I know it hurts to leave him, but it also hurts to have him home, because of his taking it all out on you. At least now you have time to work on yourself. You did the right thing, a dead Nancy couldn't take care of Dan, either. So, this gives you both a chance, and you are worth it!
  5. I think there is also another thing at play. Bullshit is a response that often is used and laughed at, and he CAN say it, so he does. It feels normal to him to be able to make a reply, and like you say, the filter is not working!
  6. I agree with your attitude so much! With Bob's massive stroke he could just as easily ended up dead. But he didn't. He got a new chance to live more days and make them count. I am so happy to have him with me, and happy that he is a pleasant cheerful person that makes all we do so much easier. We are definitely 'the glass is half FULL" people!
  7. Debbie, Bob is reading Every Inch of the Way book. I put it on there about a year ago, thinking he might be able to read it someday. It's about a guy riding his bike thru World (Bob was a bike rider). About a week ago, he was just looking thru his apps and books and found it and started reading it. He is doing really good reading out loud, hardly any errors, but slow. I'm so happy for him! I had written he finished it today, but changed it because we found that there was more than he thought to the book! ha, ha, now he gets to read more of a book he likes!
  8. We use a hemi-walker to help get him on and off, as it is very strong for balancing. I still feel a little scared, but don't let on to him about it.
  9. You are able to get on your exercise bike by yourself? Bob has one in the house, but it is always a little worrisome to get on and off. You seem like you are working your way out of the last problem, keep up the good work!
  10. >Still, I will follow to do all the thing you told and taught me --That's the highest degree of honour and respect we can bestow on those that have touched us
  11. You got me beat, Jay! I do have to sit down to get dressed, and I'm only the caregiver! I just don't want to get my foot hung and do a header on the floor!
  12. It is great that you are doing so well Jay! Yes, there are those things that still escape us... even those of us who haven't had a stroke! Durn I've been a complete dimwit all week, groping for words. On the other hand, Bob is greatly improving with his speech in this 3 year since his stroke! It really is early, you will keep improving, too! Even those on the path for many years still can improve!
  13. SandyCaregiver

    Hello - again

    Nancy, I am so glad to hear that they have gotten to the root of your problem and you are on the mend! You've had such a tough health crisis of your own, while going thru this stroke situation with Dan. It's hard work to move, mentally and physically, something to think about. Thanks so much for coming back and letting us all know what is going on with both of you, you have a lot of friends here who care. (((HUGS)))
  14. In other types of injuries 'recovery' means for them that they work and work and recover their previous abilities. Like if they had a bad break to their leg, they would work on that... but notice it was actually their LEG, not their brain. There is the difference. And also the fact that an injury to the brain can hit more than just a leg, but affect so many functions. In Bob's therapy, he certainly wanted to recover as much of the things that were lost as possible, BUT, it's a lot about learning to work with what you have. I will say that it is thru the learning to do things that we can often stimulate MORE movement - so learning new ways works hand in hand with getting more function. The recovery is as much emotional/mental as physical. It is a matter of getting yourself to a place where you can enjoy life again. Bob can't really DO anything without me. But we definitely have a good life together and enjoy the days we have. We still work on therapies at home, and it is the difference between maintaining and possible improving vs going downhill to nothing. So the mental outlook is just as important as the physical, if a person will 'recover' the ability to enjoy their life.
  15. Hey Cat, sorry you feel so down. Probably your friends got used to you not being able to go anywhere before, and don't realize things might have changed by now? I hope you can set something up with them so you can get some "time off". I have to fight for open time to go see my mom - half that battle is the time it takes just to drive there and back. if she were closer, it would be easier to work in seeing her. I really only have one friend I'm interested in seeing, and after she works all day, she's just glad to pass out at home! I've missed seeing you blog/post and often wonder how you're doing.
  16. Asha, I've never known about the Super Soul Sunday from Ophra. It certainly sounds inspirational, thanks for sharing it. I think if we really knew all the heavy hearts that hide inside people, we would hear each one with it's own hidden despair saying, why me? Sassy, I'll have to look into that book.
  17. Today after I had him dressed and got him up to walk out to the porch, he stopped. He started rummaging in this little bin I keep things to work on him with - he's never done that. He said, "you need to... (holds up a brush) brush my hair". I usually give it a quick once over after we pull his shirt on, but forgot it today.
  18. Glad to hear your appt went so well! Wow, it sounds like his caregiver really has it together! I've heard so many stories about helpers that didn't turn out well, it's good to see that it can work out good.
  19. Today Bob said: "It's not as humid today, as it was yesterday" !!!! Oh, forgot to mention that he found where I downloaded a book for him for 'one day' on his kindle, and today he browsed the books on there and found it, and started reading it - without my help at all! "Every Inch of the Way; My Bike Ride Around the World". He is becoming more aware, and I see more of the old Bob coming out! Feels good
  20. Hey Jay, just to be sure we are on the same thought!: Dancing in the rain here is not about actual rain, it's seeing the blessings and living with thankfulness for what you still have. Judging from your first post, you are already dancing in the rain! You reminded me of the favorite pic/way of living, so I shared the pic of someone who didn't wait till the storm was over to start enjoying and seeing blessings, but is seeing them now (dancing in the rain). Thinking of another fav saying along the same lines: If you woke up tomorrow and only had left what you thanked God for today, what would you have?
  21. We worked outside together for 3 days, and he was really dragging the last day. I was really proud of him, and he was too!
  22. I don't tap dance,... no formal dance training of any kind, but I do believe it's not HOW you dance, but THAT you dance!
  23. I had always thought they were MORNING doves, and so surprised to find out just a couple of years ago, that they were mourning doves! We have quite a few here too... lots of birds actually.... even a wild turkey that is living on our lane now
  24. PS - what about that doc who is supervising him? is he aware you are being denied insulin?