
Stroke Survivor - female
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About gonkerette

  • Birthday 07/21/1955

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    Music, reading

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  1. Happy Anniversary gonkerette!

  2. Happy Anniversary gonkerette!

  3. Happy Birthday gonkerette!

  4. Happy Birthday gonkerette!

  5. Happy Birthday gonkerette!

  6. Hi, I hope you will come to the website very often. My inner strenghth is driven from reading the board messages and participating. It is a great haven for me to share my thoughts and my feelings. I have had two strokes, and they still don't know why. My main thing at first was to find out the "why" but after a year and a half I am now not asking but changing the course of my life to shift and adjust to the turn in the road my life has taken. I have found a lot of good as I don't ever take anything for granted anymore. In an instant my life changed, twice. I have found ways to adapt to the way I have to do things, which has been quite an adjustment. But looking back I can say I have come a long way over the time. The body needs a lot of rest to heal not only the physical but the emotional as well. I find music of great comfort to me. My husband works a full time job and is my caretaker. He is great as he is always there for me. I try to do the things I can, and only then does my husband offer a hand as he allows me to try to do as much as I can without injuring myself. I am not afraid of asking for his help if I need it. He knows me so well he can guess when I need assistance and when I don't. We cherish every minute of life we have as it is so precious. I am a true believer in God and don't know what I would have done without his strenghth. I find great comfort in reading the book of Psalms and saying prayers as I believe strongly in the power of prayer. I feel we have to look at the things we can do, but sometimes it is in ministeps as far as progress, and sometimes with a few steps backwards as well. I know God has a plan and I accept every day as a new day to try to do what I can and don't sweat the things I can't. I try to conserve as much energy physically and mentally for the things I need to do. It takes a lot of time and we need to allow ourselves to adjust as we are able and not by others standards. They think because you look good you should be like you were prestroke which I think is never the case as we are all changed in some way by the stroke. Allow yourself to be human as we have a lot of emotions and they seem to be at the forefront once you have had a stroke. I am looking at the opportunities and goals I set in small increments and try my best to reach them, if I don't attain them I don't beat myself up for them as just something for another day. Best wishes to you and I hope you find inner peace within yourself, which takes time.
  7. Hi, I am the survivior of two strokes, and I know to worry is only human. I worry and my husband worries also. We do the best we can each day and know we have done our best. I see the doctors and take my medicine as well as working a little each day to get better. This site helps as it is a whole host of information. I try not to worry as stress doesn't help and I need to be strong for myself and my husband. I figure God has a bigger plan I don't know about and rely on my faith and prayers alot. Everyone is here to support you and help you in any way we can. Hang in there and you have found a really good site. Being educated has helped me a lot as we knew nothing after my first stroke.
  8. Hi, I hope your wife and you are both doing okay. It is upsetting when the doctors don't seem concerned but you know something is wrong. I hope she is doing well. Please take care of yourself as well as your health is important also. It doesn't sound as though you are getting near enough rest. Is it possible to gradually change your schedule around so you can get to bed earlier so it would work for both of you? Going on little sleep is not healthy either. What did the reg doctor say when you found out what was the real problem? You and she knows her better than anyone, and if you think there is a problem always be safe than sorry. Glad you got her help and let us know how she is doing as well as how you are doing as it is as much or more on you. Take care and hope all is going well :cloud9:
  9. Hi, My husband who is my caregiver and myself the stroke patient have been through all of this. He is the best caregiver since I had my first stroke last feb and this one this feb. He works a hard physical job, worries day and night about me and helps and does whatever he can. He did find emotionally until last week when he had some worries, but didn't want to discuss them as to fear of upsetting me. I finally got him to tell me as his health and well being are just as important as mine and no one should take a back seat. We agreed now to always talk as it is more frustrating for me to know something is wrong but won't tell me. We know each other too well. We always are able to talk, and after we discussed it we both felt better. He is always worried more stress will cause me to have more problems.I tell him what is meant to be is meant to be and to let go, but it is extremely challenging sometimes for both of us. My brother never visits and once in a while his wife will send a card for a birthday etc and my sister is a nightmare in itself as she is unfortunately a drug addict and doesn't want help. My parents have each had three strokes and are not well at all. For some reason my children are avoiders when I am not well. I raised them as a single parent and back then mom never got sick, so I think it is the fact they aren't used to it and they have never been around people who have had strokes. Family matters a lot and thank goodness my husband is super and should win a super caregiver award. I don't know where I would be without him!