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Status Updates posted by swilkinson

  1. Keep on posting. Not a lot of people on here at the moment so its like a small community and we like to hear from each other.



  2. Just to say  I miss you. (((Hugs))).

    1. GreenQueen


      Thank you Sue.💚

      Means a lot.

      Finally feel ready to be here. 

      J x

  3. Hi Pat, I have been here a long time, not a chat host any more but still the. Blog Moderator. I have been a widow for almost seven years but still stayed on as a volunteer. Update us on your doings.

    Sue. (formerly Hostsue)

    1. pprovost


      Hi Sue,

      I DO remember HostSue! Thanks for your kind message.  The pandemic has motivated me to reach out to friends, family( old and new) The Strokenetwork was mostly,for me, a positive oasis while dealing with stroke challenges so I have returned to my roots and hopefully offer what I was given in the beginnings 

      Sorry for your loss.  You sound strong and confident having having a few years into this new chapter in your life.  Hope you are managing well during the pandemic.



  4. Fred, I saw your comment on Asha's blog so you HAVE been back on this site.  Your browser history should show that too.  If you have any trouble getting back on maybe your daughter can help you with that.  We miss you.(((hugs))) from Sue.

  5. Hot weather most days now that summer's here.

  6. Getting warmer, birds building nests, soon be Spring.

  7. cold, wet and windy, we call it winter

  8. Happy Anniversary HostSue!

  9. Happy Anniversary HostSue!

  10. summer here, hot and humid, great weather for the school holidays.

  11. spring/summer is turning out to be very hot, bushfires started by lightning strikes keeping our firies busy.

  12. Spring is hotting up, surf boards on cars, heading for the beach after school now.

  13. winter still cold, overcast today and some light rain predicted

  14. winter still cold, overcast today and some light rain predicted

  15. winter is here, sun is out, day warming slightly.

  16. winter is here, sun is out, day warming slightly.

  17. winter approaching, days warm but nights much colder...sigh

    1. dstraugh


      Hey there Sue! I sure hope your winter will be nothing like many of us experienced here this past winter. Savor your warm days and start a count down to when the warm days and nights will reappear. :)

  18. winter appraoching days still warm but nights much colder...sigh.

  19. It is dark so early once daylight saving ends, lovley cool nights though.

  20. Balmy days, cooler nights, just love this time of the year.

  21. Some rainy days now it's time for some late summer sun so I can get some gardening done.

  22. Going through some very hot dry days...ah! summer.

    1. jazzy14


      Don't you just love an Aussie summer. Totally unpredictable. How wonderful to find that you live in Australia. I'm still finding my way around the site but already don't feel quite so alone or unsuported.

      Warm regards and keep cool!


  23. Just a few days till Christmas very hot so far but I guess there is always a chance of rain on Christmas Day!

  24. strange summer,very hot for a while but it is raining at last

  25. getting warmer at last...gardening time