Did he feel this could never happen to him?


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Hi All:

I just needed to vent and share this with you and pray you wouldn't do the same thing.


I just got finished speaking with a friend of mine who shared he just had a TIA. I was concerned and we spoke about it. You wil not believe what he shared with me.


He was at the last Redskin Football game and he said he paid a lot of money for his tickets. It was there where he had his TIA. He explained how he was feeling and I said why didn't you get to the hospital and have your friend who went with you to the game go get help. He said, I paid way too much money for those tickets, I wasn't going to not see the whole game. I then said to him, I can't believe you said that to me, do you realize that could have been the last time you experienced life in general? He really upset me. I asked him to please describe his symptoms to me. He had every symptom he could have had. After the game he went to the hospital and they were furious with him as well. I would think his life would have been a more important venture than a football game.

So, now, after the fact, he is calling me for help.


Will I be there for him? YES. Hopefully, my being quiet and just listening to him has helped. I was firm with him and shared he needed to take it easy, and I shared stress isn't good for him. I think after we spoke, he had a better understanding that he is playing Russian Roulette with his life.

I did ask him if his beloved Redskins won and he said YES. At least that was a positive for the day for him. MEN, what are we going to do with them? :nuhuh:

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Jan, My ex would have done that 1) he is a sportoholic 2) hates going to doctor/hospital .Some men an their sports, for sure. I am glad your friend seems to have been lucky. His story should be published in a national newspaper as a warning to other men(big babies)



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That was exactly what my husband, Gary, did when he first started having those dizzy spells that we later learned were TIAs. By the time I got him to go to a Dr. and they ran tests and didn't find anything significant, he was really in denial about anything being seriously wrong with him. The day he called me from work and said "I almost passed out but I hid it from the foreman so they wouldn't send me home because I HAVE TO finish this job," I wanted to scream. His job was more important than his health, and now that he is totally disabled from a brainstem stroke, and can't even wipe his own behind, I don't see his former employer coming around or calling to check on him.





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Men and their sports huh. Guys always seem to be in such denial when it comes to their health to begin with.


Hope your friend understands that the tia could be the prelude for a major stroke and he takes heed and learns from this.


Men can be stubborn like mules but then again so can we females. Wishing your friend the best.

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Hi Jan,

I'm Glad that you got "firm with him". We (men) seem to put priorities in a different order than the ladies, excuses should not be a reason to take chances with our health. Hopefully, in the future he will remember what you shared with him if he has any more experiences with TIAs or maybe worse to seek immediate medical attention. I'm stubborn too.


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I don't think you should pigeon hole all men into the same mental classification as your friend.Yes we have different sets of priorities just the same as women do. Both sexes can also be just as stubborn when something needs to be completed.

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That's where the saying comes from, "you are gonna be late for your own funeral."

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jeennifer

I don't think he had any blatant disregard for his own well being, maybe he was just in denial that anything was seriously wrong. I know I was when i had my stroke, i couldnt feel one side but darnit I didnt need a hospital i was just "overheated". Some of us are too stubborn to be vulnurable :-)

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Last summer, I went to see a demolition derby. Ticket wasn't expensive ($10, I think), but that wasn't the major issue for me. I just love those shows, and really wanted to see it. But it was in August, and VERY hot. I thought I planned well enough, bringing a 20 oz bottle of juice to drink, and had lose cotton clothes on, and hat, and all that good 'summer gear' stuff goin'.


By the time the first round had started, I'd already drunk all my juice, and I was getting woozy. Sort of a mix between light-headed (felt like I just had to lay down) and slight dizziness. Despite how much I wanted to see the rest, I figured I better leave. Took my time getting down the bleachers, and out to the parking lot (luckily I got handicap parking, so it wasn't too far). But once in the car, I had to rest a bit with the A/C going, before driving home...was afraid I might not make it, if I did anything too fast or all at once.


Maybe next year, I'll drink before I leave, take MORE drink, and bring a handheld fan! LOL

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Gotta tell ya Jan ~ I think there's a fine line between the Redskins and the river in Egypt. In the male brain things only exist if you acknowledge them, so if you grab another beer and focus on the game it will have only have been a fleeting figment of your imagination by the end. We take a lot of heat for being dramatic and not just blowing things off but at least we don't have to come up with excuses for ourselves. Do you ever think you'd hear one of your girlfriends say I felt like I was having a stroke, but it was way too expensive a manicure to get up and leave or call 911?
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in sept i got dizzy and had to sit on the ground. sept 30 it happened again at 4pm. at 7 i had a major stroke. i just did not know.

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