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It helps when you can amuse yourself

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light bulb moment!?

Its almost been three years (this fall) and I feel pretty good or atleast things are more under control and continue to learn to adapt to this. I noticed last night, that while I know I'll have bruising cause of the plavix, its only on the left effected leg and arm, tho I don't really have any prob using this leg except when really tired now. My mom knows a gal who had stroked in her 50's now in her 60's and said her left side (also the effected one) feels 70 sometimes. After this long I jus



Well, I survived.....

Hey there, I should have remembered yesterday, if I can relearn the walking and talking bit, handling 'my step-MIL' can be done.   I just stayed straight(no wine thank you, coke please, (stayin sharp-caffienne, wine makes me sleepy, save for home), kept my mouth shut on certain things, and never challenged her with some remarks.   22 years ago I started off with this family(am nuts about the rest of the family -love my sibs in laws BTW) with a clear mind-no judgements. My FIL remarked




I have to put my happy serene face on today. I also have to keep my trigger happy temper under wraps and not let anything bug me today. I'm saying all this for more my own self than others but it may help someone else get thru an event they aren't lookin forward to either.   DH just sprung on me (last night) that we need to go to an outdoor thing of an employee today. So we cleaned my car last night like the queen was visiting and I have no time to look for something for this shindig to wea



Comin back-gettin anywhere helps

I'm comin up on the three year marker for post stroke. Had I known then how I would feel now, I would not have been such a crumudge!   I'm 45 now(like wine I've adopted the -better with age belief!), I've read of twentysomethings hit worse than me and sixtysomethings hit easier than me, so stroke is nondiscriminating thing- for sure. I think attitude has something to do with what you do with this event.   When I was in RIC (rehab inst. of chicago) a (naiive but trying to be helpful aide

