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just about life

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School days, Oh those dreaded flu days

This is the one thing that I dreaded most about having kids in school again. My worst fears are already starting and school has only been in session for 3 weeks. My poor little 6 yr old is so sick, head ache, throwing up and running a fever of 102.5. She is so good when she doesn't feel well. I know a few others in this house, that shall remain nameless, that could take lessons from her. I hope I don't get it. everytime I do I end up in the hospital. My dad is having an awful time of it too. He



Hard to hear him say it

Today we had another part of the home study for the adoption. They asked Dick to tell about his limitations and effects from his stroke. When he started talking about how he used to work and what he does now, my heart began to break. He is such a good man. He tries so hard to be his old self and I admire his strength in both mind and body. My best friend, my soul mate and love of my life. It is hard to hear him talk about his struggles to others. WHen we talk about it together we don't seem to



So lonely tonight

How on earth can someone be lonely with the houseful I have? Maybe I am tired, I don't know. The day has been too long and too many decisions had to be made and I was the one that had to make them. I just don't want to have to think of what needs to be done and has to be done tonight. I want some MM time to veg and then that darn ol' brain kicks in to high gear and here I am. Lost a card playing buddy yesterday. He was a real charmer. I hope he is as happy in heaven as he was here on earth. He



All in a days work

6 AM the alarm goes off. I didn't want to get up. Had a wonderful time at the Loggins and Messina concert last night. Brought me back a few years, Ok maybe many years. Got one off to work, get one off to Jr High, get two off to elementary school and the day has just begun. I am so tired, but it is a good tired. Dick gets up and has coffee with the 4 yr old. DIck likes his black and 4yr old likes his brown, (chocolate milk.) Baby granddaughter wakes feeling much better and actually smiles for me



School Days

We made it through the first day of school ! I think that I was as nervous as the kids. The 8 yr old ran when the bus pulled up this morning. He has never been on a school bus before and he was not about to get on that big yellow thing. After missing the bus and taking him in to school he then would not go into his class, so Dick went in with him. We finally worked things out and got to come home. We both ran for the phone every time it rang. When he arrived home on the bus we were overjoyed th



They are here to stay!

My house is a total wreck. The dishes need doing, the laundry is piling up and the floors need some attention. Oh well, the kids are here and we are so happy to have them. I am up with the 4 year old tonight. He keeps having nightmares. The other three are anxious and nervous about starting a new school. I can't blame them, I remember when I moved and had to start a new school. It just seems so right to have them here. I was wondering what on earth I was getting myself into a few days ago, but



God answered me

I kept throwing it all back into Gods' lap. If it was meant to be that we get the four children then He would let me know. Well, today I received a call from their social worker and she said she would like me to get them by this weekend. Wow, I am totally amazed. The kids are excited and can hardly wait to get here. I am also excited and a bit nervous too, but the faith that I have in God will see me through anything. He has brought me this far in life and I am sure I never would be where I am



I'M blessed

Tonight I fell very blessed to have found this site. The people are just the best It really is nice to know that there are people out there that care. Every now and then I begin to lose faith in this world but then I get the kick in the pants that I need to keep going on. I try to remember that there is always a solution to each problem and if there isn't , then there is nothing I can do about it anyhow. ( I guess I could have a drink. Ha Ha. ) Wastin' away again in Margeritaville..... No I



late night thinking

Just got out of chat. Thinking of the coming week. HELP, I can't get my mind to stop. Behind me 4 beautiful children are sleeping. My husband is sawing logs and Kate and the baby are all snuggled together in the rocking chair sound asleep. I have to take the kids back to their foster care home and get ready for the adoption guy to come. He seems real nice, but there are times I just don't trust about him. Something just doesn't seem right and I don't know what it is. Each time I have this feelin



those beautiful babies

Today I picked up the 4 kids we are trying to adopt. We get them for a long week end. I love having them here. How someone could abuse these babies is way beyond me. They didn't know any better and they still miss their parents. To mess with the mind and body of a child is incomprehensible to me. AJ, the 4 yr. old, says he loves me. I almost cry. He has ADD and is always on the go. The 13 year old asked me how I get him to go to sleep so easy? I just pick him up and whisper in his ears. He has



Happy I'm Here

I am so new to all of this and it scares me sometimes. Taking care of people is what I think I was put here on earth for. There was a time that I was lost and didn't know what direction to turn. Now, even though it is tough, I know what I am suppose to be doing. I am happy to be here and alive. Everyone in this sight have welcomed me like a lost family member and I am overwhelmed. It is easy for me to help others but, very hard for me to let others help me. I am not sure if it is pride or trus

