Vix's Blog

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Post Christmas

The festive weekend is over and it wasn't all that festive for us Weavers. We did have a fantastic Xmas day with the family but then on our way home, Greg and I had an argument which spoilt the whole day.   Our Boxing Day was spent tip-toeing around each other until we made up and were friends again.   One of Greg's niece's was just recovering from a bad stomach bug and Greg caught it, so on Friday night he was up all night in the bathroom. Poor soul, there is nothing worse than a runny



It's SOO Hot

I am really battling with this heat. I am wondering if my internal thermostat has been completely destroyed by the stroke? I seem to feel the hot and cold weather a lot more than I used to. I feel quite faint from the heat at the moment and it has drained the little bit of energy had. The one good thing about the heat though is it forces me to drink lots of water.



Not feeling Christmasy

When Greg first broached the subject of us moving cities to Richards Bay way back in June this year, the idea of me resigning sounded wonderful. I would be able to lie by the pool and catch up on my reading. Fantastic right? Not really. I am quite lonely at home all day by myself. Yes, I have joined the library and can read to my hearts content, and I am getting quite nice and brown from lying by the pool, but I miss interaction with people. Since I have been off work for 2 months already, I



Associated reaction

So, here's the thing...The associated reaction has moved from my left hand to my left toes. It used to be a clenched fist if I sneeze, was tense or cold, now my toes curl under. This is a problem that now affects my walking. I not only have to concentrate on relaxing my knee, now I also have to uncurl my toes. Good grief - remember when getting up to go to the loo was as natural as breathing? Now it's a major mental exercise!!!!   I am now 3yrs 8 months down the line - I wonder what is next o




I know I have been bad at keeping you all up to date, I'll be better from now on. I have resigned from my job as Greg has been promoted/transferred and we had to move cities. I am now living in Richards Bay - a city on the north coast of Natal. It is soo hot up here, luckily we have a pool and air-con. My recovery has come on in leaps and bounds, I have finally beaten my knee hyper-extension and have sort of started walking with a more normal gait. I still get incredibly tired and can't walk f



Sad start to 2008

My last gynae appointment showed no fetal heartbeat or fetal growth, so my pregnancy is to be terminated. Under doctors orders, tonight I must take medication that will induce a miscarriage and then we schedule a D&C. I am back at work today after 10 days leave, so the work routine is well under way already. I am really sad, Greg and I were so excited at the prospect of a little one, but we will try again and next time I won't shout the news from the roof-tops until we are sure everything is



Sick of feeling sick :-(

The excitement of finding out I'm pregnant is now being overshadowed by ALL DAY nausea. Who named it "MORNING" sickness??!! I have read that the nausea should pass after 12 weeks, so here's hoping.... I have a gynae visit on 21 Dec, so hopefully that will be a bit more enlightening. Apart from feeling green all day, all seems to be going ok.




This news is even bigger than wearing sandles with a heel!!!! I found out on Friday that I am pregnant. Still VERY early days yet, but too exciting not to share. :Clap-Hands:



Summer changes

With our South African summer rapidly approaching, I took matters into my own hands and decided a change of shoes was a MUST. I have been wearing these boot type shoes - no heel in black & brown for 1 1/2 years now. SA summer is not the weather for boot type shoes. Before my stroke I was a big shoe person and have still got my favourites waiting for me. This morning I am dressed for work in brown pants, brown summer top and wait for it.... SANDLES!!!! Yip folks, sandles with a small wedge he



What I've been up to...

I thought I would drop in after a long absence. There have been quite a few changes here at work - I now have 2 bosses and our internet use is monitored so long periods on Strokenet are over for me. Anyway, I am still going to PT twice a week and a couple of visits ago I JUMPED up a small step as part of a miniture circuit - JUMPED! I was so excited!!!!! I am still battling with hyper-extending my knee when walking, but maybe that will sort itself out eventually. I am studying part time, I go to



Back after 2 week break

I have just returned from a 2 1/2 week holiday with Greg and 4 of our friends. It was absolutely fantastic - we had so many laughs!! We took a trip to a beach resort in Mozambique and our daily activities included scuba diving, reading, tanning, drinking and eating!!! Even I got to do a dive. Granted, Greg was never more than a ruler length away from me the whole dive, but I managed just fine! Even before stroke I wasn't really a confident diver, so I thought I did really well. Another thing I n



Easter Weekend

4 of our closest friends and Greg and I went into the mountains for Easter weekend. The scenery is absolutely stunning up there, but boy, was it cold!!! I sat under the blanket by the fire reading my book with a glass of red wine for most of the time whilst the boys were out fly fishing. But, I did get off my behind long enough to go horse riding!!! Yes folks - HORSE RIDING. Now, this was a huge deal for me as I have NEVER ridden a horse before let alone after having a stroke!!! So, Greg drags m



I did it!!

So, all the worrying about travelling alone was for nothing. I did just great! I managed the walk from airport to plane without any mishaps, found my seat, sorted out my seat belt, all by myself! The weekend with my sister was fun but exhausting!!!! I think I may be getting too old for that kind of weekend! It has taken me the last 3 days to recover. I was very glad to be home on Sun night - there is no place like home! But at least I know I can do it, so next trip alone won't be as nerve-wrecki



Flying Solo

Today is my sister's birthday and the 2nd anniversary of my stroke. Wow - 2 years of this. Anyway, I'm flying down to cape Town Fri evening for the weekend to celebrate her birthday. Only trouble is, it was too expensive for Greg and I to go so I'm going alone - yikes. no Greg's hand to hold onto, I am really nervous about this. In fact the nervousness is overriding the excitement at the moment.




BS I always brought lunch to work, but now we have a coffee shop downstairs which sells the most delicious quiches, so sandwich making went out the window!!! My excuse to myself was "my hand doesn't work so....". Well this morning, I surprised myself by deciding I actually wanted a home-made sarmie for lunch. So into the kitchen I went and made myself a sandwich. And it wasn't as difficult as I had anticipated. It all went quite smoothly actually. The only minor hitch was cutting the tomato, dam



Progress is noticed

When I first came out of rehab, I needed pants which were easy to pull on and off, so Greg & I went shopping. We went to a new shopping mall, parked right near the entrance and I barely made it to the first shop. Last Sat we were in the area and went to the same mall for tea. This time Greg parked where he could find a parking space and we walked the WHOLE mall. From one end to the other and it is a fairly large mall. Even Greg commented about my progress and told me how proud he was. I'm st



It's a pass!!!

I got the results back from the part time bookkeeping course I did last year and I passed with a 75% pass. I'm really pleased with myself :Clap-Hands: My final exam was a nightmare and honestly didn't think I had passed. Here's to the next course - Financial Accounting.



Back from holiday break

I've been back at work for a week and already my brain is "full"!!! Greg and I had a lovely week away, I got to spend quite a bit of time with my sister which was an unexpected bonus. I've made up my mind that this year I'm going to concentrate on strengthing my left knee, I think that may help me stop walking like a peg leg - so its off to gym for me.



One week to go

One week of work left then I'm on 2 weeks leave. I can't wait. I hate the last working week of the year - I'm tired and cranky! Our office has settled into our new premises, we are quite smart now!!! Greg and I also moved home for me to be closer to work, that went quite smoothly as well, we are nicely settled in our new home. It was an exhausting month though - no wonder I'm tired! I've written the final exam for the bookkeeping course I was on, just waiting for those results. I'm also



Who would have thought?

I NEVER thought I'd be thinking this.....I'm ok with me right now. Yes, I can't walk far or fast, can't use my left hand, but it's ok. When this whole nightmare started 18 months ago, I NEVER thought I would get used to this, but I have. Of course I still have my "woe is me" moments but they are nowhere near as frequent as they used to be. :Clap-Hands: I think the good belly-laughing at my sister's wedding last weekend helped!!!



Can't wait for the weekend!!!

One of the huge advantages of living on the East coast of SA is that we are a 2hr drive away from a National Game Park which boasts the big 5 (lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino). This weekend we are off to the game park. We are leaving early Fri morning and coming home on Sunday. I can't wait, I love being in the bush!!!! A glass of red wine in the evening overlooking a water hole watching the animals coming down to drink - what a way to spend a Friday evening!!!!



This blasted E.L.

I was never one to cry in front of people, I would always lock myself in my bedroom / bathroom until I had composed myself. Well, how that has changed! Now I burst into tears for anything. It's most embarrassing, especially when it happens at work. I've already had an episode this morning and now, anything will set me off again. It's terrible.



Confidence is the Key

I think having the confidence to try something is half the battle. I am only recently trying to do more with my left (affected) hand and I'm winning. Last night I opened a tin can (it took me a while to figure out how to use a can opener again), but I did it!!!!! I'm also now putting deodorant under my right arm with my left instead of twisting my poor right arm. Apart from that, no new news. Carrying on day in and day out!




Yesterday I tied my own shoelaces :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: OK, it wasn't the neatest job, but I did it!!! :cheer: Even Greg was impressed! :big_grin:



Saying it like it is

On Sat evening we went out to supper with friends. As I was getting ready, I decided to try a different pair of shoes, a pair of black boots with a small heel. I got the shoe on the left foot without too much of a struggle and stood up quite gingerly. I was fine standing still, my ankle held up ok but when I took the first step, it conked, so I gave up on that idea. So off came the nice shoes and on went the trusty trainers and when Greg came in to see what I was up to, here I was sitting on the

