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What was that?

I had an interesting epiphany tonight. I am watching Oprah and she had on a woman who as a photographic audial memory. In other words, she is able to remember everything she hears. She is able to do more than that, though. It goes into levels of being able to understand what she hears. She is able to play back any piece of music she hears, note for note.   I realized recently that I no longer have perfect pitch. I wondered if the strokes affected the part of my brain that allows for perfect p



Well, hello there.

Hieeeeeee! I have an external blog but I figured it might be good to post here, too, where people will intimmately understand the issues we all face. I figured I'd start with some snippets from my other blog and then update as I can.   I had a particularly bad day yesterday. I taught in the morning and then met my mom at Northpark to exchange some shoes. We ran into my SIL and brother who were there for lunch, a very nice surprise. My "brother" is not blood related but we were raised togethe

