ctaylor2's Blog

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A Journey

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Last Train to Clarksville

This blog was set invisible at Clark's (the bloggers) request. He has a new one.   -----------------------------------------------------     *beep* off and wanting to fight, feelings i haven't had since high school. There are times in a man's life maybe a woman's also where on physical violence seems to lighten the load we carry. It took me one broken nose and two chipped teeth to realize that pehaps this wasn't the best of courses to take, but because I was bigger than almost any in sch



Like a Rolling Stone

Yes Once again it seems to me my furture's so bright I just gotta wear shades. I really enjoy these days they seem so rare now. Falling the excellent advice some of the members have give me you take one day at time and sometimes you take it an hour at a time. I must say I don't know where I would be today without those session where some members let me cry my eyes out and sit down and wail in the pool of pity before saying Come on things get better time passes life goes on. I still have those ti



All roads lead somewhere right?

It never fails to amaze me how much my mental outlook and attitude can change so dramatically in just 24 hours. I guess one of my biggest complaints is since my stroke there seems to be little if any balance to my feeling, emotions my outlook the way I view the world around me, and how I feel inside. Yesterday started rather badly but by early mid morning things were sailing along everything going my way. No cross circuit burnout in my brain, no simple misunderstandings that at the time seem lik



Let the sun shine in

You know it really is amazing what blue skies and bright sunlight can do for a depressed soul. I figure it must be the radiation toasting what brain cells I have left by what the hell mel let the good times roll. Ya you got it right I'm having one of the very very rare good feeling days. Of course the first thing I try to do is anyalyze why I'm feeling so good so I can duplicate the feeling in the future but today I actually used what commen sense I have left and said to myself hey Leroy go wit



Wasted Afternoon

:wicked:The dark one came back after lunch and decided to spend the rest of the day tormenting me with little barbs like "god you are worthless, "Can't you ever get your self starting doing something productive? I can only reply but why why not just sit here and muse over what has become a pretty predictable life. Predictable in that the person I used to be Mr. Excitment has sort of been on sabattical since stroke day, Sometimes I really amaze myself at how well I can shift blame, reassign motiv



New Snow

It snowed last night and now everything appears as new it only lasts for hours but I still like the effect. All the white so clean and the way it muffles sounds so that everything sounds far away. The dark man was in a much better mood this morning, I



Day 1 of my blog

I used to think of myself as being very computer literate but this blog thing has really humbled me and that's always a good think for me, you see I was a fairly conceited self centered person before that tiny little clot re-arainaged my brain. To hear my friends tell it, I'm a much better person post stroke than before, boy that really makes me feel good. I spent most of this morning getting ready to begin teaching next week oh joy of joys. Yeah I really love it. but at least I'm getting more a

