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TIA and surviving the ordeal

Entries in this blog

TIA,, the aftermath..life goes on ,,,

It has been a while since my last blog on here...I am on medication to stablize my B/P and aspirin instead of Aggrenox,, does terrible things to my stomach..It has been nearly 18 months since I went into hospital with a TIA,,,and frankly at the time it scared the crap out of me...I didn't know what the hell was going on,,,all I knew was that my head was not functioning at 100% and I was getting some physical issues as well...I am as I said 18 months down the road from this ...I get some muscular



my story at the begining with a TIA

First off let me say that I am very very glad to be here...I hope to gain some support and also perhaps give some support and encouragement where I can. About 3 weeks ago I sustained a TIA which I guess is a mild stroke and not a fully debilitating, though it certainly made some major changes and created one hell of a jolt in my life....I don't mind telling all that it scared the hell out of me and I am still dealing with the impact. I think that such a thing would scare anyone especially as you

