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a link to a person with dementia speeking at a perth conference

I was just sent this link. its audience is everybody particularly those who struggle with defects.   in trying to use this link, I got to the web site. then must go over to the right hand side and click on "Helga speaks.." hope this works for you as I found her 27 min talk very inspiring.   david



a little embarrasing

hi all, I went to a book discussion group tonite. the book was catcher in the rye and this is the second meeting of the group. I usually have a bit to say about the book in question and I particularly liked this book. so during my second or third comment what I was going to say was gone. this has of course happened before I admitted that it was gone and about 2 seconds later it appeared and I said aha, and continued.   then about 1/2 hour later I was involved in a somewhat complex response



folly down

hard fall yesterday. was out for my little walk and did not have my heavy carhart jacket on but my light spring jacket . coming back was ~ 1mi from home when my right boot snagged my left boot. when something like this happens there are no options but down! and my right arm was by my side so my right shoulder took a hard hit on the road followed by a hit on my hip. when this happened I had enough endorphins so that was not particularly aware of the damage. a little later developed that I can



11 months since aug 5

its been 11 months since my aug 5 mild stroke. the year was kind of uneventful except for the sudden disturbance of my ability to swallow as I had done. namely in the morning of june 21st I was able to eat bread, and in the evening had difficulty swallowing it. the disturbance has remained. did the barium swallow and the comment of the dr was I swallow as a not untypical 71 year old. was curious if this was the result of another small stroke of which I have had 3 in the past 2 years and so



no cancer!

did the barium swallow today. I thought it a little unlikely that I might have esophageal cancer. but since the outcome is entirely grim I was very concerned. the equipment at out regional hospital was really quite good. but the first thing they did was take a number of chest exrays and then redid some of them. Debbie then told me she was taking them to dr. neal to see what barium studies needed to be done. I of course figured that she had seen tumors in the x ray and if so why continue. she



swallowing difficulty

last Saturday I had my breakfast of a few slices of bread and some lettuce tomatoes etc. nothing unusual occurred. however at supper I again had similar bread like sandwiches and had difficulty swallowing the flakey bread. did not have trouble with say a piece of tomato or onion. but the bread was definitely a problem that I had never experienced before. this situation has persisted till now. the immediate thing that came to mind is that I had another mild stroke of which I have several i



9 months since august 5th

its a couple days past my 9 month anniversary. the tingling I mentioned in last blog turned into a cold left foot. was it another small stroke? maybe maybe not. it was much like the heel of my right foot getting cold several months after the first 2 strokes.   since I have been diagnosed with " cerebral small vessel artery disease" I expect to have lots more.   but I woke up this morning and there was "still water in my cup" and so I will take advantage of this little lease I have today n



8 months

it has been 8 months since my august 5 event. ischemic stroke (mild). it has left me with a different gait, some numbness in tips of my fingers and occasionally sensations of tingling in left foot. the day of the stroke I experience much tingling (a little like pins in various places on the foot) this went away and would you believe it came back today. maybe its function is to remind me that I am really mortal and had better use whatever time I might have left cause it won't last forever.



Cerebral small artery disease with remote left and newer right deep hemispheric infarctions

went to Dartmouth yesterday for my appointment with neurologist after my aug 5th stroke. (they are very! busy people). we did a cat scan ~4 days after the stroke(mild, affected left hand - some parts of fingers numb, arm-- weaker than before and lost control when lifting a 10lb weight, and leg --think gait affected. my neurologist, showed me the scan taken and the infract which was on the right side and near the center of brain and was in a symmetric location to the stroke a year and a half a



71 !

in a few minutes I will be 71 years old. my goal is 76 as this is the age that my grandfather died. right now my mind is still somewhat intact although suffering from what the mri called "normal aging" atrophy and I truly sense this as an increasing deterioration of mental ability(agility). I don't object, it is simply a fact.   I was 3 when my grandfather died - pneumonia - and I remember visiting him with my parents in the hospital and climbing on his bed. during that visit my father lat



3 months from my third stroke

today is my 3 month anniversary of my 3rd stroke. it was as the other two about 2 years ago mild.   and today I extended my walk for the first time since aug 5th to my friend Donald's home. his house is on my walking route. it is about 1.5 miles from my house and was not overly tired. I am happy with that and the fact that my stamina seems to be improving slightly. is it at the prestroke level. no. but it is getting better.   for the last month my non stroke arm has been in a bit of pai



my book discussion experience

last nite we had a book discussion group meeting. it is the first one that I had gone to since my mild stroke in august which did further damage to my walking gait. it was on the second floor of the library and had about 11 people there. the book was a civil war novel "march" and was not bad. I read it twice and enjoyed the discussion of the other people there.   however, not was all great(lol). the session lasted for 1.5 hours for which time I was seated. then when it was all over ev



first day at the gym

went to the gym today. I know I am walking funny but no one seemed to care! saw a friend and I did tell him I had a third stroke 2 months ago and that's why I wasn't here, but I am going to both survive and recover. my project. he was just fine with that. I don't think its our condition that particularly concerns people as much as our attitude. and as moaning and groaning has never shown to have any positive results, we don't have to do that experiment. it has already been done!(lol)  



two months since my third stroke

it has been two months since my third stroke. all were mild. the first two were ~2 years ago.   I no longer have to lie down every hour as I did for the first two weeks. and my endurance has improved. I now go out for a mile walk in morning and afternoon. I sense that I am pretty close to my limit on these walks, legs feel tired and are very tired and heavy feeling when I get back.   during the last week roofers were taking off my old roofs and putting on a steel roof. I have an A frame an



tired with my boots

today is the day after the nite before. last nite didn't sleep well at all and woke up (when I finally did get to sleep) with a jaw ache and the starting signs of a migraine. took an ibuprofen and after about 1 hr the jaw stopped aching and the feeling of a migraine was gone.   but to the issue of my boots. about a week ago I - looking forward to winter- started doing my walks with my boots rather than shoes. I have had to cut down my distance by a factor of 2 and even with this cut my le



day 25

the last day 29 really wasn't it was about a week ago. and also in that blog I said that I walked to bill's 3 times. not true. I was too tired to do my evening walk. did my first walk this morning and felt strong to bills lamppost. (3 min) but later felt tired. am able to stay up for about 4 hours in morning. ~1hr nap and then up for 3 hours and another nap for not less than 1hr. was tired this evening but decided to go for my walk anyway. legs were tired on the walk. am ok now but



day 29

this is day 29 after my stroke which did mild damage to my left arm and leg. my extreme fatigue has been lessening over the past several days and today I extended my walk to bill's lamppost a 6 min walk total. am doing this 3 times a day. in evening my legs (both) are very tired. will not even through I may feel like it extend the walk for another week. the next milestone would be the end of my dirt road about a 1/4 mile. I continuously think back to my first stroke, jan4 2012. was recover



kind of weak today

a good nites sleep last nite. seem however to be kind of weak this morning and perhaps also tired. giving up my evening coffee makes me seem that I am sleeping much better. have switched to decaff. this works as it also has the taste of coffee. was able finally to upload a picture of me. used small settings on camera and this worked. am not sure if changing this to another will give me the problems that I had before in uploading, but like life after stroke, its nice that's its working.




this is the story of my strokes. in jan of 2012 I had been walking 2 4mile walks per day which in the past would have been no problem. however during the end of December I noticed both that I was getting kind of tired after my second walk and that I was tending to drift to the left near the end of the walk. on jan4 during my second walk it started to snow and the last 2 miles was in 3 or 4 inches on the road(we have gravel roads and are typically plowed after the storm is over). the veering

