My husband is the strongest person ever.
Some days I can understand about 60% of everything he says. Pretty amazing since he couldn't speak a word or even know his own name when the stroke first hit. He's overcoming it, continuing to get better even after 4 years. He recovered amazingly from the AAA surgery. His surgery for the colon cancer is 4/6/2007. We'll know more about the extremity once they get it out and do the biopsy.
I hope he doesn't have to go through chemo. He's b
My husband is saying full sentences and phrases now where in the beginning he couldn't speak a word.
Only now he has colon cancer. :Tantrum: He just recovered from surgery where he had an abdominal aneurism in the aorta. It made the artery 4 times the normal size. The only reason we found it was because when they found the colon cancer they wanted a ct scan of the torso.
He says he won't take chemo if need be after the surgery. We'll see. We go see the surgeon tomorrow to find o
So I have a new love. He's my avitar. His name is Axel and he's a dapple grey Thoroughbred gelding. My sister gave him to me. He's needs trained and I'm on my way to doing just that. I've never had a thoroughbred and can tell a big difference in the Quarter Horses I've always been used to.
He's much more spunky. Yikes!! So I wear a helmet when I ride him. I don't want these old bones breaking at my age. Especially my head. It's messed up enough as it is!! LOL!! Anyway I'm really h
Geez.....Been busy I guess. I usually come on the site while I'm at work but Real Estate has actually picked up a bit.
I started riding horses again and man am I SORE! I called my Mom the next day and told her every muscle in my body hurt except for my face. My sister has an equestrian center about 35 minutes from me and has plenty of horses for me to ride. Right now I'm riding the oldie goldie so I don't kill myself since it's been about 20 years since I've ridden minus once. I used t
I tape the show House all the time. I love it and the new season just started not too long ago so we haven't seen it in a while. Well we were watching it for the first time (of the new season) last night and my husband pointed to the t.v. and said he has no cane!! I didn't even notice it. Why does that make me so happy? In fact I was thrilled and still am.
I like writing about what might seem to be so small to others but so big to me. It makes me happy. Funny thing is when I told s
My last blog was regarding Bob's step towards more independance. Our next accomplishment will be him going to the pharmacy and refilling his own prescriptions. I'm making a calendar as to when they run out and the doctor will need to be notified. He can't understand all the info. on the bottle. I'm not quite sure how we can notify the doc.'s without me, but we'll figure something out.
I want him to be able to lead as normal a life as possible not just now but in case something happens
I know this might sound trivial but I can't help but to write about Bob's improvements. Last week he found a nail in the tire of the SUV he drives and he went to Firestone and had it fixed on his own. Woo hoo!!
I didn't even know about it until I got home and he told me what he had done. I praised, praised, praised him and told everyone, everywhere we went about what he had done. I think it encourages him to continue to do things without me. Awesome!!
We went to the neurologist the
I used to really care so much of what other people thought of me. And I'm sure I still do to some extent. When I first came here to strokenet I was so scared that someone might not like what I said I was always p.m.'ing poor Jean and asking if I was out of line. Jeez what a wimp.
But why do some people take things so personal that they get bitter and it's almost like they want to whip the heck out of others with their words? One thing I'm glad about is that we are all different. Some
I was just reading in someone's blog about their husband's aphasia and apraxia. My husband just has aphasia. I was remembering about a year or so (I think) when he could hardly say sentences and used funky words, (well you all know).
One time when the girls that worked for me came in and I was still in bed, he opened the door and said "Mommy, the babies are here". LOL!! I don't know what made me think of it but it cracks me up and of course the poor girls tried as hard as they could no
Why oh Why? I don't know why I was gone for so long from this site. Actually I would check things every so often but would only log in occasionally. I've asked myself that question so many times I decided to give up because I don't know the answer.
I read in some blogs about people being narcissistic (sp). I don't think that's me. Maybe I needed some time away? Like I said I don't know. I think some people were mad at me about it, but I guess sometimes we do what we need to in orde
It's amazing the freedom and the burdens a driver's license can lift. I know, my grammar sucks but here no one cares so I can just type away!! My husband got his license back a few weeks ago. He's sooo happy after not being able to drive since his last seizure in Jan. 2005.
Me too for that matter. Now he can meet me at my office in order to go for Dr. appointments. I still go so I can talk and of course I need to know what's up. He can go to the grocery store, run errands, visit his c
I haven't been around to post in a while and the first thing I do when I come back is going to be a major vent session.
Today I am so sad and *beep* off about my husband having a stroke and yes, I'm still grieving after 2 years, 5 months and 29 days. Like someone or "someone's" said before.... STROKE SUCKS. I hate that mf er. It's done all but destroy our lives and it's so hard sometimes being the one to always "bring things out in him". I'm tired of it, I'm tired of it and I w Cinder, I have a majic pill. It's called estrogen!! Oh yeah. Of course my GYN said what I am going through is perfectly normal. Okay, well that's all fine and dandy but I went through hell and can't handle another one of those episodes like I said before. So, she said I can take Black Kohash (sp) and she would change my anti-depressant. I told her I was working with my G.P. on that issue and she said go ahead and talk to him about it.
So........I called the GP office as s
I don't know what is happening to me, well I think it might be this hormone thing or lack thereof from the surgery. I know, I talk about it a lot. But I can't stop crying tonight. Not even for a second. It's happening as I write this now. I haven't had thoughts of not caring if I die or not in a very long time. It's 70 degrees in my house and I'm sweating, listless and crying. What the hell is going on?????????? My heart started palpating or something earlier and I didn't even care. Norma
This is an entry dedicated to my husband. Michael started a topic on the board regarding male caregivers. So here's to you too Michael.
I had surgery on Monday. (hysterectomy) and my husband was there with me. He's a stroke survivor and the entire time he was there he found it hard to just sit and not get me things I needed or wanted before I could even ask. If he saw me reach for something (anything) he moved from where he was to get it for me. Made sure my covers were exactly how I w
I got the report today that nothing they removed from me was malignant. Whew!! What a relief. Onward bound, no more worries and no more 'monthlies'. Woooo Hoooo!!!
And once again. Thanks you guys, your the best.
Well...I made it through the surgery, am home and didn't have to be cut open to get all the parts out. 3 small incisicions where women get cut when they have a C section and one on the belly button. They stitched the inside and then glued them they are so small. Won't know if it's cancer until later this week but the doctor, (she's wonderful) doesn't think so. The mass wound up being inside the ovary. Strange huh? And, I even got to take a shower today. All went really smooth and I'm glad it is 5:30 a.m. and I'll be on my way to the hospital in about 10 minutes. Gotta be there 1.5 hours early so they can torture you with the wait. I won't much care though since I just popped two valium and should be feeling fine in no time.
I'm a little scared I guess, but what.. when it's all over with I'll be missing some internal organs....don't need them anyway. Hopefully all will go well and I'll be home tomorrow if not then Wed. or Thurs. for sure. At least
Well...........I finally got the nerve up to put my picture on my profile. Yep....took a long time but I think it's nice to put a face with who we talk to all the time. Of course I take horrible pictures, not like my best girlfriend and stepdaughter. They're probably the most photogenic people I know personally. It's just not fair I tell ya!!!!!!!! So for all you who don't want to do it all I have to say is..........well you know.
Don't you just hate that when someone finally does so
Here we go....this is pretty pathetic, I actually want to blog about seeing a gator in the road this morning. Like I don't see them all the time. Actually not in the middle of the road with a cop car (lights on) protecting him or her. It wasn't that big. Medium I guess and I couldn't tell whether it was dead or alive. I was hoping it was alive and the cop was just waiting for the fish and wildlife people to get there or a trapper. We only have a couple of them for the whole county believe i
I love my friends. I have two that I've had for a long time. One of them (Crystal) I've had for 28 years who lives about 5 minutes from me and the other (Misti) for 22 years who lives about 20 minutes from me.
Well Misti and I went out last night and on our way, somehow the conversation went to when she was in my house last week and was noticing the pictures of me and my husband, pre-stroke.
There was a lot to the conversation and at one point because of the pictures, she said to m
My hubby remembered my birthday and our anniversary today. Yesterday he walked to the mall and bought me an ankle bracelet. This morning when I woke up there it was sitting next to my coffee cup and sweet & low (he knew the first place I would go after waking up).
I must say I was quite surprised that he was able to communicate to the jeweler what it was he was looking for and then purchase it. He wouldn't have bought me any jewelry before the stroke and I was thrilled. It is so p
Well, the tooth pulling wasn't so bad after all. They gave me gas, which of course helped a lot and I actually had a problem trying not to laugh while he was getting it out. That stuff works great! It took about 3 minutes. I had around 7 shots of novacaine, 3 of them were in the roof of my mouth. OUCH!! I think one went up my nose cavity or something because I found myself swallowing novacaine. NASTY!!
They wound up working in there about 3 hours instead of 2. Oh well, all over and d
I'm having a tooth pulled tomorrow and I'm thinking I might puke all over the dentist. The thought of listening to roots ripping out makes me sick. If the tooth was loose I guess it wouldn't be so bad but it's in there like the rock of Gibraltar (sp?) I'm having three crowns, tooth pulled and a permanent bridge which I'll definately be glad when it's all over with. But I'm already feeling queezy at the thought of it. They said it will two hours worth of my mouth being tortured. Okay, so I
I never realized until recently, after reading so much about people's struggles on the message board, how fortunate my husband and I have been regarding insurance and the benefits he received from his job. They paid the portion they always did as if he were still working regarding our health insurance for the 2 years after his termination and until Medicare kicks in which will be in July. I know we'll be paying a ton of money then. I just found out Medicare isn't free either. $78.00 per mont