I'm still here... no real changes... the nursing home makes a vague effort to try to assist more... but dan does a god job with his OCD and control mechanisms .....so i keep dancing... Nancy the dancing bear...lol.....My routine is the same , get up take grandson to school (for now - my daughter works early and his dad fell and broke his hip at christmas, had a replacement done - is on the mend.) drop him off, go to work. work till noon, get dan his mc donalds ( i give up fighting about his food
So obviously Dan didn't manage to end his life. Which is good. I am still plugging along.. still go get Dan almost daily take him out, feed him is Mc Donalds etc. My basic perturbness going on right now is the rampant laziness at the nursing home...... OMG I do at least 80 % of Dans daily cares-- but getting a floor washed or vacuumed is hard, I'm gonna need to bring my own vacuum soon. I clean his bathroom , it takes 15 plus minutes to get a call light answered -its ridiculous. There are good ,
Dan decided to eat some soup, some jello and watermelon-- he has drank some water. So for now - until the next time, he is in that undecided mode. He only took nourishment because he wants to be able to go to church. I had told him I can't take him as weak as he was, so he had that little bit of nourishment. Down and up -- up and down....... still - a waiting game.
Watching Dan is like watching a train wreck. He is still refusing all, except ice water. he drinks 3 ( sips) at noon when I come visit him. Has to be ice cold. Thats it. No food- no other liquids. I wonder how long this will take? Im scared, for him and for me. This is slow and scary and not a thing I or anyone can do to stop it. And I wouldn't if I could, its not my place. But I am hating the watching of it. He doesn't talk much or want much. Just lays in bed, no TV, nothing just lays and look
still at it with Dan--- has been refusing all medications for weeks and He will go 5 days eat nothing drink nothing than have a day where his mood is better and he will decide to eat and drink. Then the next morning it is right back to his "death march". This is a absolute compulsion, he has no control over, knowing that doesn't help.
It is a exhausting mental roller coaster. The youngest daughter Beth - is so heartbroken and over stressed. As a family - mostly Beth and myself we have made
Only a few of you even remember me --- Im Nancy, I've been in a good long fight with my husbands stroke 6.5 years ago... He was a young stroke victim, not the usual stroke MO-- he tripped on a rug, dissected his carotid artery ( tore on the inside). it caused a massive stroke... later tripped of seizures ... through it we did amazing things in an attempt to "live" some . Previously all we ever did was work, work and work. We have 4 great kids all adults now, all married. Dan has had all major st