time to brag about our son
I know I complain abut our son, there are times when he makes me very angry, but also there are times when he makes us very happy. Just few days ago we get letter from school saying please attend award ceremony since our son has been awarded some awards during his middle school graduation. I try to find from him but ofcourse he has no idea why & what awards he is getting. So finally yesterday when we attented award ceremony with other parents. all the kids were on stage & parents in auditorium. you should see joy in that hall. our son got presidential & honor roll award for his academic performance. we live in great neigbhourhood where parents are very involve with the school district, and you can see so many kids doing so well in studies,art & atheletics.It makes you believe that parents & school district working together makes great kids. We are so proud of our son. I am so greatful to survive & beat this stroke to enjoy this joyous moments in our life. ok now I will get off my brag box lol
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